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Client View
Updated over 3 months ago

While the Shape dashboard can be extremely useful for getting a high-level overview of your performance metrics, the platform allows you to click into your various Budgets and Clients for granular insight.

These Client Views help you analyze current performance, compare and segment key performance indicators over time, and make edits to your campaigns' daily budgets on a Client-by-Client basis.

What is the Client View?

A Client View is created for each Client you add to Shape. It provides a central hub for each Client where you can view the Budgets under the Client, monitor current and past performance metrics, and add or adjust Budgets.

If you need to create a Budget, it's possible to do so right from the Client View rather than navigating to the dashboard to create each new Budget.

Performance Summary

You'll find a high-level Performance Summary at the top of the Client view. The summary shows the total Budget available to spend for all your Budgets in a Client for the current Budget cycle. It also shows the total spend of all campaigns in your Budget toward the Budget cap.


Client Breakdown

The Client Breakdown is an interactive graph you can use to visualize your campaigns' performance metrics. You can compare performance metrics by segments to see what elements of your Campaigns are performing the best. For example, the graph lets you quickly see which of your Budgets are driving the highest number of clicks and conversions or which search engine drives the most spending.

Decision Grid

The Decision Grid displays a breakdown of performance metrics for all Budgets in a Client in table form. The Decision Grid shows you where each Budget's spend is in relationship to its spend cap, as well as performance metrics and enabled automation features for each Budget.

You can quickly analyze if your campaigns are on track toward your performance and spend goals and adjust your daily Budgets by selecting a campaign and clicking the edit button (pencil icon). You can even view past data cycles using the Archives or download the Decision Grid into Excel or CSV to create a report.

The Decision Grid also allows you to toggle between Budget-level and campaign-level metrics. By toggling to the campaign metrics tab, you can view performance metrics by campaign, pause or activate campaigns, or click into a campaign for further insight and optimization options.

Finally, you can also use the Client View to click into a Budget View if you want to get further insight into each Budget's performance. To do so, click on your chosen Budget from the Budgets tab on the Decision Grid.

Custom Values

If you've enabled custom values at the Client or Budget level, these values can be displayed in the Decision Grid by clicking the eye icon and selecting the custom value columns you have created.

Custom Values set at the client level will be automatically attributed to each Budget in the Client. Budget-level Custom Values can be set on the Client View in two ways. The first is to click the empty field or entered value for the appropriate Custom Value for a Budget. The second is clicking the check box next to one or more Budgets, clicking edit (pencil icon), and then navigating to the "Custom" column, and entering Custom Values there.

Client Cards View

Similar to the main Dashboard, Shape team members can now view budgets in Client Card format as well as the format displayed above. To do so, click "Client Cards" from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

Only Client Cards for the client you are working on will display.

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