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What is RollOver? / Enabling RollOver
What is RollOver? / Enabling RollOver
Updated over 4 months ago

What is RollOver?

RollOver allocates any "unspent" or "overspent" budget from the current billing cycle to the following Budget cycle. RollOver is very helpful for PPC agencies or teams that have rolling Budgets. RollOver will automatically add any underspent or subtract any overspent advertising dollars from the subsequent Budget cycle.

For example, imagine your Client has a Budget with a target spend cap of $400. The campaigns in the Budget only spend $350 during the current Budget cycle. RollOver allocates $50 ($400 Budget - $350 spent) to the following Budget cycle. Campaigns now have a target spend cap of $450 for the next Budget cycle.

RollOver also works if a Client spends over their target Budget. RollOver will automatically subtract the overspend from the next billing cycle's target spend cap.

Enabling/Disabling RollOver

Option 1: Creating a New Budget

1. To create a new Budget from scratch, follow the steps outlined in the Budget Designer. This will guide you through everything from naming your budget and setting your budget cap to enabling automation features such as RollOver.

2. When you reach the Automation section, enable RollOver by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting "enabled."

You'll be immediately asked if you want to set a RollOver amount. Enter a RollOver amount or leave it $0.

Set the RollOver amount and continue the remaining steps to create a new budget.

Option 2: Changing Budget Settings

1. Enable RollOver in an existing Budget by selecting "Edit Budget."

2. Navigate to the "Automation" section on the left-hand navigation menu. Enable or disable RollOver by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting the appropriate option. Click "Save Changes."

Option 3: Bulk Editing Automation Settings

1. Navigate to the decision grid on the Client View and select all the budgets on which you'd like to enable RollOver. Select the edit (pencil) icon.

2. Navigate to the "Automation" section on the left-hand navigation menu. Enable or disable RollOver by choosing enabled or disabled under the RollOver icon. This will apply RollOver to all the Budgets you have selected.

3. Click "Save Changes."

How Do I Know if RollOver is Enabled?

Once enabled, you'll see the RollOver icon in multiple places to indicate it is enabled. On your main dashboard view, next to your Budget, you'll see the RollOver icon.

You'll also see the RollOver icon displayed on the Client Views on the decision grid and the RollOver amount that is being factored into the current budget cycle.

Finally, the Budget View will indicate if a Budget has RollOver enabled and display any RollOver being factored into the current budget cycle next to/in the "Budget" section.


Interpreting RollOver Statuses


RollOver Enabled

RollOver Disabled

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