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What is SmartSync? / Enabling SmartSync
What is SmartSync? / Enabling SmartSync
Updated over 4 months ago

What is SmartSync?

Once SmartSync is enabled, any new campaigns you add to an account will automatically be added to your Budget. SmartSync works best for Clients where all campaigns in an ad account are attributed to a single Budget.

For example, imagine a Client utilizes one Budget in Shape to track and manage all their campaigns across 4 ad platforms. The PPC Account Manager adds three new campaigns to each advertising platform. If enabled, SmartSync will automatically add those campaigns to the Budget.

SmartSync ensures that newly created campaigns are added to existing budgets and accounted for. It prevents any PPC spend from slipping through the cracks and creating an overspend.

Enabling SmartSync

Option 1: Creating a New Budget

1. To create a new Budget from scratch, follow the steps outlined in the Budget Designer. This will guide you through everything from naming your budget and setting your budget cap to enabling automation features such as SmartSync.

2. When you reach the Automation section, enable SmartSync by clicking "enabled" in the SmartSync section.

3. Follow the remaining steps to complete the Budget creation.

4. Any campaigns created in the accounts you associated with the Budget during the "Budget Creation" process will be automatically added to this Budget.

Option 2: Changing Budget Settings

1. Enable SmartSync in an existing Budget by selecting "Edit Budget."

2. Navigate to the "Automation" section on the left-hand navigation menu. Enable or disable SmartSync by selecting your preferred option from the drop-down. Click "Save Changes."

Option 3: Bulk Editing Automation Settings

1. Navigate to the decision grid on the Client View and select all the budgets you'd like to enable SmartSync for. Select the edit (pencil) icon.

2. Navigate to the "Automation" section on the left-hand navigation menu. Enable or disable SmartSync by choosing enabled or disabled under the SmartSync icon. This will apply SmartSync to all the Budgets you have selected.

3. Click "Save Changes."

How Do I Know if SmartSync is Enabled?

Once enabled, you'll see the SmartSync icon in multiple places that indicate it is enabled. On your dashboard view, next to your Budget, you'll see the SmartSync icon.

You'll also see the SmartSync icon/status displayed on Client Views within the decision grid.

Finally, you can see if a specific Budget has SmartSync enabled by looking at the top of the Budget View pages to the left of the "Budget" metric section.


Our SmartSync legend provides a helpful guide to inform you of your Budget-level status.

SmartSync Campaigns to Multiple Budgets

Campaigns from an ad account can be added to multiple budgets with SmartSync enabled. This means that Shape will automatically add any new campaigns added to the ad account to both budgets.

This will lead to campaigns tracked in two or more budgets, possibly with different budget caps and automation settings. This could cause issues.

If multiple budgets have SmartSync and AutoPilot enabled for the same campaigns, this will create conflicting status changes. Because the budgets will likely have different budget caps, this will lead to over or underspending. This is because the campaigns will activate or pause based on the remaining budget, which will differ for both budgets.

Interpreting SmartSync Statuses


SmartSync Enabled

SmartSync Disabled

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