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Copy mailboxes - Mappings
Updated over 2 weeks ago

While ShareGate Migrate automatically maps your mailboxes and recipients, you can review and modify the automatic mappings to ensure proper functionality for your destination mailboxes.

Note: We recommend reading the Copy mailboxes limitations article before running a mailbox migration.


When you set up your Copy mailboxes operation, ShareGate Migrate will take you to the mailbox and recipient mapping screens.

Automatic mapping is applied during your initial configuration, and you can review and modify this mapping. Use the following options to change your mappings:

  1. Type the name or email of a source mailbox in the Search by user name or email field at the top to find a source mailbox you want to map.

  2. Select one of the following filters to review your mappings:

    • All to display all your mailboxes.

    • Mapped to show only your already mapped mailboxes.

    • Unmapped to show all your unmapped mailboxes.

    • Warnings to display mappings that failed in the automatic mapping process.

  3. Click Run auto-mapping to re-run the automatic mapping process.

  4. Click the Clear mappings icon to clear all your mappings.

  5. Click the Export mappings icon to export your mappings as a CSV file.

  6. Click the Import mappings icon to import mappings.

    • You must use a CSV file exported with Copy mailboxes in ShareGate Migrate or precisely in the same format.

    • Your CSV does not need to include all your mappings. When you import mappings with a CSV file, ShareGate Migrate will only replace the mappings specified in your CSV file. It will not clear the other mappings.

    • If no destination information is entered in the CSV file for a mailbox, that mapping is skipped.

    • If only one of the destination fields (for example, Destination user name) is entered and ShareGate Migrate faces an uncertain match (for example, two users with identical display names), you will get a warning to search for a matching user manually.

  7. To map your mailbox, type the name or email of a destination mailbox in the Search the list of mailboxes that match your source type field next to your source mailbox in the Destination mailbox column.

    • You can only map mailboxes of the same type. For example, you can map a user mailbox to a user mailbox, but you cannot map a user mailbox to a shared mailbox.


Mailbox and recipient mappings

  • Guests and External users are not supported (see Copy mailboxes limitations).

  • Mappings are saved and reloaded when you launch a second migration with the same source and destination.

  • When a match is not found during the automatic mapping process, the destination mailbox appears as a yellow search box with the mention, No match found, try searching manually under it.

  • To ensure all replies and emails go to the new inboxes, users set up automatic forwarding to their new email addresses at the source, or you can do it for them in the Exchange admin center (EAC).

Mailbox mappings only

  • You can only map mailboxes that you've already selected manually at the beginning of your Copy mailboxes operation. You cannot currently select your source mailboxes with a CSV.

  • Unmapped mailboxes are not copied.

Recipient mappings only

  • Your mapped mailboxes from the Mailbox mapping screen are not shown and are used as recipients by default.

  • Mapping your recipients correctly ensures that the migrated emails can be replied to.

  • You can only map internal recipients listed in the destination tenant.

  • Unmapped recipient email addresses remain as they are in the source.

  • You cannot map external and guest users' recipient email addresses since out-of-tenant addresses should still be available for replies.

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