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Migration report overview
Updated over 3 months ago

As you complete a migration task, ShareGate Migrate generates a reliable migration report to help you assess the success of your migration job and troubleshoot issues that occurred during the operation.



The Migration report is generated as your migration progresses, and you can access it anytime.

To find a migration report, select Tasks from the sidebar and click on its title to open it.

Selecting a Copy teams or Copy planner plans task takes you to a copy report screen. Click View copy details to find a detailed report.

To find a Copy teams - Incremental migration report, search for the initial Microsoft Teams migration, click the arrow to expand the initial task, and select the Incremental copy task to open the details.

Understand your Migration report

Your migration report gives you a detailed view of which items migrated successfully and which had warnings or errors during the copy. Most of the report's columns are self-explanatory. However, the Status column and its values are worth going over.


  • Success: The item migrated successfully.

  • Started: The app started copying the item, and the operation is unfinished.

  • Error: Usually indicates that the app did not migrate an item due to a problem or SharePoint error.

  • Warning: The app migrated an item with some changes at the destination due to a limitation.

  • Skipped: The item was skipped (this usually happens with incremental copy).

Note: The Success and Started statuses take significance when copying in Insane mode to a Microsoft 365 destination. Because your items are sent to an Azure storage in your tenant and then imported to the final SharePoint destination, Success means that the item was imported by Microsoft 365 and the app received a confirmation. Started can mean that the item was sent to the Azure storage, and the app hasn't received a confirmation that it was imported to its final destination.

Considerations for errors and warnings

  • You can double-click on the item to view its details when errors and warnings occur.

  • You can find more information about the item and links to articles for most errors in the item details.

  • For more significant migrations, exporting the report and using Excel to analyze the results are recommended.

Manage columns

You can modify the visible columns in your migration report to add or remove information about your migrated items.

  1. Open your migration report in the Tasks screen.

  2. Click the Manage columns icon

  3. Choose which columns you would like to see on your report.

  4. Click Save to apply changes.

Restore default

  1. From the Migration report screen, click the Manage column icon

  2. Select Restore default.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Note: Adding or removing columns in ShareGate Migrate will not affect how the report is exported. It will always be exported with all available columns.

Export your report

You can export your results as an XLSX or CSV file on your drive or have ShareGate export it automatically to a SharePoint library after your migration.

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