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Tasks overview
Updated over 3 months ago

The Tasks screen allows you to access all completed management tasks, filter results to view specific results or reports, and free space on your workstation by deleting old items.

For information, see Cancel a running task?



To access your tasks, select Tasks from the sidebar.

Note: To make sure you are viewing the most up-to-date results, click the Refresh icon.

Task types

  • All reports - Permissions Matrix, External Sharing, Audit, etc.

  • Security - Add Permission, Remove Permissions, Check Permissions, etc.

  • Source Analysis - File share, SharePoint, and Microsoft 365.

  • Copy - Migration reports.

  • Restructure - Promote reports.

  • Delete - Items and objects that were deleted permanently.

Column details

  • Task - The name and location of the task performed.

  • Type - The type of task that was performed.

  • Details - The number of items that were processed and the number of successes, warnings, or errors.

  • Start Date/End Date - The date the task was started/The date the task was completed.

  • Session ID - The unique ID associated with the session.

Apply filters

Use filters to find specific tasks. The following filter options are available for you to choose from:

  • Task name - Contains, Does not contain.

  • Task status - Completed, Canceled, In progress.

  • Task type - A list of the task types in your environment.

  • Source URL - Contains, Does not contain.

  • Destination URL - Contains, Does not contain.

  • Scheduled - Was scheduled, Was not scheduled.

  • Start date - From and To date fields.

To apply filter(s):

  1. Click Add filter to display a dropdown menu.

  2. Select the filter type you want to apply.

  3. Add your filter specifics.

  4. Click Apply filter.

  5. Repeat steps (2) to (5) to add multiple filters.

  6. Click the "X" icon on a filter to clear it.

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