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Booking connections
James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over a week ago

Booking connections are designed to link people to bookings. Use connections for the booking contact, finance contact, organiser etc. (Attendees are tracked through tickets)

Adding a connection to a booking:

  1. Go to the booking

  2. Click Contacts in the menu to open sidebar

  3. Click New connection button at bottom of connection panel

  4. Search and find relevant contact (or add new if not in Sheep)

  5. Select relevant connection role* from dropdown

  6. Click Save

Removing a connection from a booking:

  1. Go to the booking

  2. Click Contacts in the menu to open sidebar

  3. Click the name of the contact

  4. Click the red Delete button at the bottom

*If the connection role is not in Sheep you can always add more. Please see Adding a connection role for help.

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