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Sensitive data

Field definitions for sensitive data only available to admin users.

James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over a week ago

The following standard data sets can be added to Sheep upon request. Custom data sets, including sensitive (admin only) data sets can commissioned as bespoke extras.

Equal Opportunities

  • gender ['F', 'M', 'Unspecified', 'Non-binary']

  • marital_status ['Civil Partnership', 'Married', 'Single', 'Prefer not to say']

  • age (where date of birth isn't available)

  • ethnicity - free text

  • ethnic_group_short ['Asian', 'Black / African / Caribbean', 'Mixed / Multiple', 'White', 'Other',]

  • ethnic_group ['Arab', 'Asian: Bangladeshi', 'Asian: Chinese', 'Asian: Indian', 'Asian: Pakistani', 'Asian: Other', 'Black: African', 'Black: Caribbean', 'Black: Other', 'Mixed: White and Asian', 'Mixed: White and Black African', 'Mixed: White and Black Caribbean', 'Mixed: Other', 'White: British', 'White: English', 'White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller', 'White: Irish', 'White: Kurdish', 'White: Northern Irish', 'White: Scottish', 'White: Turkish / Turkish Cypriot', 'White: Welsh', 'White: Other', 'Other / Prefer not to say']

  • disability ['Y', 'N', 'Prefer not to say']

  • disability_type ['Autistic spectrum','Hearing impairment','Learning disability','Mental illness','Prefer not to say','Progressive disability / chronic illness','Visual impairment','Mobility issues']         

  • sexual_orientation ['Bisexual','Gay man','Gay woman/lesbian','Heterosexual','Prefer not to say']        

  • religious_belief ['No religion or belief', 'Buddhist', 'Christian', 'Hindu', 'Jewish', 'Muslim', 'Sikh', 'Prefer not to say']        

  • current_working_pattern ['Full-time', 'Part-time', 'Prefer not to say']

  • flexible_working_arrangement ['None', 'Annualised hours', 'Compressed hours', 'Flexi-time', 'Flexible shifts', 'Homeworking', 'Job-share', 'Staggered hours', 'Term-time hours', 'Prefer not to say']         

  • caring_responsibilities ['None', 'Primary carer of a child/children (under 18)', 'Primary carer of disabled child/children', 'Primary carer of disabled adult (18 and over) ', 'Primary carer of older person', 'Secondary carer (another person carries out the main caring role)', 'Prefer not to say']         

⚠️ Equal Opportunities data is not available in export by default. To enable export add the applicable fields to the allowable_fields list in the reporting configuration.

reporting: {
allowable_fields: [

Ethnic Groupings are based on UK government classifications


  • allergies

  • consent_for_hospital

  • consent_for_painkillers

  • date_last_tetanus_booster

  • dietary_requirements

  • emergency_contact

  • epipen

  • gp_name

  • gp_phone

  • gp_postal_code

  • gp_surgery_address_lines

  • inhaler

  • medical_history\medication

  • nhs_number

  • notes

  • vaccination_programme


Sheep can securely capture and store the results of DBS checks.

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