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Recording a gift aid declaration
Recording a gift aid declaration
James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over a week ago

Requires the Sheep Evidence pack

Individuals payments and donations can be recorded as transactions that gift aid can be claimed. This flexibility is very useful but often you will want to treat all payments from a person as gift aid-able.

From a person record find the Evidence card and click 'Record Evidence'

For Gift Aid evidence you need to pick the right category and set the dates. The name, text and attached documents are all optional. 

Tip: attach a photo of a paper gift aid declaration  

Bulk uploads

Complete the matching fields as available.

  • name  any free text name to label this record e.g. Gift Aid declaration 

  • category  use gift aid declaration 

  • source optional internal reference - where did you collect the gift aid declaration, online form, paper etc

  • source_ref  optional. Use in conjunction with source  to create an audit trail back to the original document

  • document_date the date when gift aid should be claimed from (can be back dated)

  • expiry_date optional. If the form is valid for a certain period then set an expiry date

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