This course is designed to cover all the key features of fundraising in Sheep. It is delivered through Google Hangouts. We will switch between showing you how to something and getting you to try it yourself.
Sheep user account setup and activated
Computer with audio & video with Google Hangouts setup
Length: 30 minutes
1. Concepts
Learning Objective: understand the words that are used in Sheep and how they map to the words/concepts you already use.
Contacts (People vs Organisations)
Gift Aid
2. Getting setup
Learning Objective: know how to add a new appeal or restriction
3. Donors
Learning Objective: understand donors and contacts, how to find and create them.
4. Recording a one-off gift
Learning Objective: how to create a pledge for a one-off gift
5. Regular donations
Learning Objective: how to create a pledge for a regular donation
6. How to use pledges
Learning Objective: understand how pledges work, when to create a new pledge, how to handle mistakes
7. Gift Aid
Learning Objective: how to records gift aid on a donation, how to generate the HMRC export file, how to record a gift aid declaration
8. Scorecards and Streams
Learning Objective: familiarisation with scorecards and streams in Sheep
9. Reporting
Learning Objective: exporting a list of donors that match a given criteria