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Sheep App Configuration

Config and settings for the self-service app (JSON)

James Scholes avatar
Written by James Scholes
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Reference only - most settings can only be set for you by the Sheep Team.

Core Fields:

  • flockNamePublic - your full name

  • flockNamePublicShort - if you use an abbreviation

  • charity_number

  • company_number

  • logo ('path/to/logo.png')

  • logoSquare ('path/to/logo.png')

  • logoSquareWhite ('path/to/logo.png')

  • name_in_logo (true/false) so we don't print your name again

  • phone

  • address_lines list of address lines

  • postal_code

  • utr (Unique Tax Ref)

  • website

  • websiteReturnAddress (where the app should link back to)

  • availableOptions ['membership', 'register', 'venues', 'events', 'teams', 'consent', 'giving', 'payments', 'donations']
    Other account fields:

  • health (true/false)

  • interests (true/false)

  • qualifications (true/false)

  • vehicles (true/false)

  • documents (true/false)

  • newVerify (true/false) - if newVerify is true, your app will use the newer 6 digit confirmation code rather than the older "magic link"

  • occupationWord (normally "Occupation" but can be customised in sign-up and profile forms)

registrationSwitches (and their defaults) {}

  • hideOptionalFields: false

  • hideOccupation: false

  • occupationRequired: false

  • withTitle: false

  • includeDOB: false

  • requireDOB: false

  • includeEthnicity: false

  • requireEthnicity: false

  • includeEmergencyContact: false

  • requireEmergencyContact: false

  • includeEmergencyContact2: false

  • requireEmergencyContact2: false

  • addressRequired: false

  • excludeAddress: false

  • onlyBasicDataRequired: true


  • invoices (true/false)

  • invoiceEmail (email to use on invoices e.g.

  • paymentDetails: (markdown text)

  • paymentDetailNotes: (markdown text)


interests (true/false)



Member Benefits

(field memberBenefits)

A list of benefits shown to the user.

  • order: (numeric sort order)

  • title: text 

  • body: markdown text description

  • image: URL to external image (should be square)

  • link: URL link

  • linkText: text to show on link

  • show: 'non-members' or 'members' or blank for all

Use either an icon or an image, links are optional


  • enabled: true/false

  • noSignup: true/false,

  • allowOrgEdit: true/false,

  • maxPlansToShow: 9,

  • questions: [

  • questionDescriptions: [
      'What type of membership would you like?',
      'Which currency would you like to pay in?'

  • confirmIntroText: 'Please double check the details and then click confirm'

  • thankText: 'Thank you for joining our organisation'

  • updateThankText: 'Thank you for adding a membership to your account'

  • steps: [
      'Choose your membership',
      'Enter your details',
      'Review & Confirm',
      'Make Payment'

  • stepIntroText: []

  • changeOnRenew: true/false

  • manageLinked: true/false

  • onFinishPath: '/example/app_target_page/' (normally back to your account page)

  • onFinishName: 'App Target Page' (normally 'Home')

  • paymentOptions: ['stripe', 'cardstream', 'cardstreamDev', 'payLater'] (pending deprecation - see payment_plans)

  • stripe: { (deprecated)
      introText: ''

  • payLater: { (deprecated)
      introText: '',
      linkText: 'Request an invoice'

  • cardStyle: 'default' (dark text on white background) or 'colour' (white text on flock colour background)

  • logoStyle: 'default' (dark /colour on white background) or 'white' (white logo on flock colour background)

  • certificates: show link to membership certificate in documents (True by default)

  • certificateTemplate: custom template for membership certificates (paid extra)

  • membershipCards: show link to membership card in documents (True by default)

  • documentsActiveOnly: only show documents linked to active memberships (True by default)

  • documentsPaidOnly: only show documents linked to fully paid memberships (False by default)


  • include_form: true/false: you can view the privacy policy, but not submit your consent via SheepApp

  • privacy_policy_url: link to the privacy policy

  • consent_list: list of consents for the user to choose from


  • cid: unique id e.g.'c000'

  • title: e.g. 'Newsletter and information'

  • context:  The detail of what the user is consenting to

  • purpose: what is the purpose of the consent e.g. 'newsletter'

  • channels: what communication or processing channels does this apply to (list) e.g. ['email', 'sms']

Venue Hire

    amenitiesTitle: 'Facilities',
    amenitiesIntroduction: 'Each work space comes with everything you need to get your project off the ground.',
    importantInformationList: [
        heading: 'What to bring',
        content: 'You don’t need to bring anything, however bringing proof of this reservation will speed up the checking process. If you bring your own electrical tools to use on site then they must comply with health & safety legislation or if require mains supply will need to have been PAT tested. If necessary we can undertake PAT testing on site.'
        heading: 'Claiming your bench',
        content: 'On your booked day you have 1 hour to claim your booked bench otherwise you will risk losing your booking, i.e if you have a morning slot you have until 10.30am, otherwise your bench will be given away.'
        heading: 'Cancellation Policy',
        content: 'If you can’t make it for any reason, please note that you need to let us know before 5.30pm the day before, otherwise you will be charged as we are unable to book anyone in alternatively. For Monday bookings please let us know by the Saturday before as we are closed on Sundays.'
    noun: 'building',
    consentOnFinish: [

Team Applications

applications: {

noun: 'Team', // defaults to "Team"

nounPlural: 'Teams', // defaults to noun + "s",

nounHeading: 'Browse available Teams', // defaults to "Browse " + nounPlural

remuneration: 'Remuneration', // often not required

consentPara: '',

consentOnFinish: [







Appeals and Donations

donations: {

noun: 'Appeal', // defaults to "Appeal"

nounPlural: 'Appeals', // defaults to noun + "s",

nounHeading: 'Browse Appeals', // defaults to "Browse " + nounPlural

featured: 'Featured', // word to describe "Featured" or "Urgent" appeals

verb: 'Make a Donation',

standardSummary: 'We need your help', // used in the "Make a Donation" box if not

consentPara: '',

consentOnFinish: [








availableAmounts: [

{name: 'Small',

value: 5},

{name: 'Medium',

value: 10,

default: true},

{name: 'Large',

value: 100}


minAmount: 5


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