Groups can be created or updated by going to the Settings section. In the sidebar select the Teams, Regions & Groups tab. The Groups section will show any existing groups with the option to create a new one.
Click on Add new to start creating a new group. This will bring up a window to fill in the core information required for a new group. Once first saved, the group will have new fields to add additional information. Click on Edit to bring up the window with the new fields, which are outlined below:
Enter a name for the team or group.
Enter a category for the group. Can be used to 'group' or filter existing groups or teams.
Enter a description for the group or team, outlining what the group does or what is required for joining.
Short Description
Summarise the description in a single sentence. This appears to describe the group in areas with little space.
Photo & Secondary Photos
Upload images to visually promote the group or team. Secondary photos will be used in a gallery.
Mark whether the group or team is currently active. If inactive, the group will not be selectable when assigning groups to users.
Minimum team size
Set the smallest size the group or team can be.
Maximum team size
Set the largest size the group or team can be.
Group Leaders
Add existing users to the group as group leaders. Leaders have the ability to manage regular users within their group.
Invite-only group?
Mark whether the group is joinable by invitation only. If checked, enter an invite code below.
Invite Code
If set to invite-only, add a code for users to enter into the self-service app to apply for the group.
Joining Policy
Enter text to outline the joining policy for the group or team.
How to Apply
Enter text to outline how to apply for the group or team.
Entry Requirements
Enter any requirements that users should have before being able to apply for the group or team.
Skills Required
Enter any skills that users should have before being able to apply for the group or team.
What you will do
Enter text to outline what users will do when accepted as part of the group.
If applicable, enter text outlining any remuneration for users in the group or team.
Working Pattern
If applicable, enter text outlining the working pattern for users in the group or team.
If applicable, enter the location for the group or team. This can be a simple descriptor such as 'London' or 'In-house'.
If applicable, enter the full address for the group or team.
If applicable, enter the postcode for the group or team.
If applicable, enter the country where the group or team is located.
Once finished, please click on Save at the bottom of the window to save your changes.