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Groups: Managing group applications

If enabled, users can apply for groups using the self-service app. Adding, approving or declining applications can be made in sheepCRM.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 4 years ago

Applications for groups or teams can be created, approved, declined manually by your staff with sufficient permissions in sheepCRM. This can be done on a 'per-contact' basis by going to the Groups tab for specific contact, or for the group as a whole through the Groups Scorecard report that can be found in the reports section.

Managing groups for a contact

By going to the contact record in sheepCRM, staff can manage their existing group or team applications, as well as add them to a new group instantly. Find the contact record that you wish to manage and click on the Groups tab located in the right-hand sidebar.

In this section you can see any existing groups the contact is a part of, or has applied for, as well as the option to add a new application.

To edit the existing group application, click on the card to expand it. This will show the status of the application and any additional information submitted during the application process.

Clicking on one of the status buttons will immediately change the status of the application, with the following statuses to choose from:


Default status for new applications - the contact has started an application, but not submitted it yet.


The contact has finished their application through the self-service app, but the application needs to be checked and approved by staff.


If referees or credentials need to be vetted before proceeding with the application, the status can be set to 'check'.


If waiting on the contact for a response or answer to a question, the application status can be set to 'wait'.


The contact's application has been approved by staff, and the contact is now a part of the group.


The contact's application has been rejected by staff.

Clicking on the Edit button will bring up a window where you can change the group the application is for, add a role or delete the application altogether. If you make any changes in this window, please ensure you click on the Save button.

Managing applications for a group

You can see all applications made for a specific group by going to Reports and clicking on the the Groups Scorecard tab located in the right-hand sidebar.

All the groups will appear in a list, with the number of applications on the right. You can export the summary with the Export an XLS button, or export a full list of applications for each group with the Export an XLS (Full) button. Alternatively, you can click on one of the groups to see a summary of all applications for that group.

Each application can have their status changed or be deleted entirely by selecting an option from the dropdown. The shortcut buttons at the bottom of the window allow you to edit the group settings, accept all applications or export them.

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