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sheepTeams: Achievements

Achievements allows group leaders to start and easily update their members on steps required to complete badges or achievements.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 4 years ago

Getting started

Some steps in the set-up will require our support team's involvement, please make sure you have the following information to provide to us (or have already provided) before getting started:

  • URL to your organisation's Logo, hosted externally

  • HEX code colour for your organisation (used for the theme)

Creating new achievements

Achievements can only be created by our support team, please send us an email or use the support tool to provide us with the following information:

  • Name of the Achievement (i.e. Silver Tier)

  • Category of the Achievement (i.e. Swimming)

  • Steps/Goals to be completed before the achievement can be awarded

If you require a bulk import of achievements for existing teams and members, please also provide us with a spreadsheet list and we will import the data for you.

Editing achievements

Achievements can only be edited by our support team, please send us an email or use the support tool to let us know what you would like updated.

Adding achievements to members

The following guide is for sheepTeams app. If you are unable to access the sheepTeams app, please contact your admin for permissions.

There are two ways to add achievements to members: Finding the achievement and adding to the group or individual; and Finding the member and adding an achievement to them.

Finding the achievement and adding to the group or individual

After logging in to the sheepTeams app, click on the Achievements tab to view the achievements that are currently in-progress with your group. If you want to add a member to an active achievement, click on View progress.

To add a group to a new achievement, click on Show More Achievements to view the achievements you can choose from. Click on View Achievement to view the achievement steps and the ability to add the achievement to your group.

If the achievement is inactive, you'll see the ability to add an individual or the entire group at the top of the page. If already started for some of your members, you'll see a panel containing all of your member's progress with the two buttons at the bottom of the page.

To add your entire group of members, click on Start all Group Members and this achievement will be added to every member n your group. If you want to add to a specific member, click on Start Individual to bring up a window with a list of your members to add the achievement to.

Finding the member and adding an achievement to them

On the Overview tab you'll see every member of your group. Click on a member to be taken to their profile page where you can manage existing achievements as well as add them to new achievements.

Click on the Achievements tab for the member to see achievements they have already finished or are currently working on. Click on Show More Achievements to view inactive achievements.

Locate the achievement you wish to add the member to and click on Start to add the achievement to the member. This will immediately appear alongside the other in-progress achievements where you can check the steps to confirm them.

Marking steps as completed for an achievement

The following guide is for sheepTeams app. If you are unable to access the sheepTeams app, please contact your admin for permissions.

There are two ways to mark steps as complete for members: Finding the achievement and marking steps complete for the whole group; and Finding the member and marking steps complete for their achievements.

Finding the achievement and marking steps complete for the whole group

After logging in to the sheepTeams app, click on the Achievements tab to view the achievements that are currently in-progress with your group. Locate the achievement you wish to update progress on and click on View progress.

The achievement page will show your members' progress as well as detailed descriptions of each step that make up the achievement - this is collapsed by default, but can be opened by clicking on Show Achievement Steps. Underneath the steps you will find your member list. You can use the search function to limit the list to the specific member you are looking for.

Members who have not finished the achievement will have the steps that make up the achievement in a row of boxes beneath their name and photo. You can view or add notes for the member or view a more detailed view of the steps by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner of the member card.

Updating steps

  • To mark a step as complete, click on the corresponding box once. This will fill in the box and have a tick to show it has been completed.

  • To mark a step as incomplete, click on the box again. The box will become hollow to show it is no longer completed.

  • To mark all steps as complete for the member, click on Mark all as completed.

Adding notes

Expand the member's card on the member to view existing notes. Click on Add Note to bring up a window allowing you to add a note with basic content. Once saved, the note will be attached to the member regarding the achievement.

Once all the steps have been marked as complete, you can mark the achievement as finished by clicking on Finish Achievement - marking the achievement as finished will 'award' the achievement to the member and sheepTeams will 'archive' the achievement for the member.

Please note: Members who have finished the achievement will appear in this list as well. You can expand the card to view or add notes, however you can no longer mark any of the steps as incomplete.

Finding the member and marking steps complete for their achievements

On the Overview tab you'll see every member of your group. Click on a member to be taken to their profile page where you can manage existing achievements as well as add them to new achievements.

Click on the Achievements tab for the member to see each achievement they have already finished or are currently working on.

If the member has not finished the achievement it will show the steps in a row of boxes beneath the name of the achievement. You can view or add notes for the member or view a more detailed view of the steps by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner of the achievement card.

Updating steps

  • To mark a step as complete, click on the corresponding box once. This will fill in the box and have a tick to show it has been completed.

  • To mark a step as incomplete, click on the box again. The box will become hollow to show it is no longer completed.

  • To mark all steps as complete for the achievement, click on Mark all as completed.

Adding notes

Expand the achievement card to view existing notes. Click on Add Note to bring up a window allowing you to add a note with basic content. Once saved, the note will be attached to the member regarding the achievement.

Once all the steps have been marked as complete, you can mark the achievement as finished by clicking on Finish Achievement - marking the achievement as finished will 'award' the achievement to the member and sheepTeams will 'archive' the achievement for the member.

Please note: Once marked as finished, you can still expand the card to view or add notes, however you can no longer mark the steps as incomplete.

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