Craft Events: Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Craft Events integration with sheepCRM

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago


  • Craft Events is a bespoke integration for users wishing to manage events from their own website.

  • sheepEvents is a fully integrated product within sheepApp, controlled entirely from within sheepCRM.

  • This article does not relate to sheepEvents.

What is a booking lead?

A booking lead is the user that has placed the booking in the events system. They are responsible for the payment and attendees for their booking and will also receive any communications regarding the booking. The booking lead must have an account with sheepApp and any bookings placed will be linked to their person record inside sheepCRM.

The booking lead will also be referenced as a the buyer inside sheepCRM.

What is the difference between an 'Event' and a 'Booking'?

Due to sheepCRM handling different types of venues, bookings and activities whereas Craft Events focuses purely on the concept of event bookings, terminology between the two varies.

In Craft Events, an event is an activity being run over a period of time where users can place a booking, which permits themselves or others on their behalf to attend the activity.

In sheepCRM, an event is an activity slot that takes up a period of time inside a venue. A booking contains an event and venue, with tickets showing users that are permitted to attend.

Does Craft Events know who my members are?

Yes, once integrated with sheepCRM, Craft Events will ask your users to log in before they can place a booking. Once logged in, Craft Events will know if the user is an active, paid member or not. They will then be charged the correct rate.

What data from Craft Events gets sent to sheepCRM?


Sent to sheepCRM and added to the events calendar on initial save and updated when saved in Craft Events


Bookings are added to sheepCRM as tickets to the event inside the events calendar. More details on the booking can be found by clicking on the Booking Lead / Buyer in the tickets section.


If attendee details have been filled in, they will appear next to their ticket in the Tickets section of the event. If they have a matching person record in sheepCRM, a link will be made and their attendance will be referenced on their person record.

Booking lead / buyer

The booking lead will be referenced as the buyer in sheepCRM, and will be shown by their bookings in the Tickets section of the event.


Generic questions for each booking are logged in the journal for the event with any health/dietary related questions are added to the person record's health.


Payments for bookings are added to sheepCRM in the Ticket Payments section for the event inside the events calendar.

How are attendees stored in sheepCRM?

Any tickets containing Attendees that exist in sheepCRM will be linked to their person record. Any attendees without matching person records will have their name and email address stored on the ticket.

What about tickets without attendee information?

Tickets without attendee information can be found under the booking lead / buyer. The tickets will be blank but can be filled in manually or linked to a person record in sheepCRM.

How can you generate a list of attendees for an event?

In Craft Events

Attendees can be exported as a CSV by going to the event in Craft Events dashboard and viewing the attendees which can be found in the right-hand summary box. From the attendees view, a CSV export can be made, or the attendees can be emailed directly.

In sheepCRM

Attendees can be exported as a PDF, or viewed in a HTML format from the event inside the events calendar. There are two options available: The Attendee check list and the Attendee ticket check list - both show the attendees, however the ticket check list includes the ticket / booking option that they have.

Can you generate a list of badges for attendees for an event?

No, if the attendees do not have person records in sheepCRM they will not appear in any badge generation report.

If an event is cancelled in Craft Events will it also be cancelled in sheepCRM?

No, not currently. Bookings in sheepCRM and any accompanying tickets should be delete or reallocated as needed when an event is cancelled.

How do I log into Craft Events? Can I use my sheepCRM credentials to log into Craft Events?

You can log into Craft Events by going to /admin on your events site (usually

You must use your sheepApp login credentials to log into the events system. If you've not set up a sheepApp account, please register one using your email address stored in sheepCRM.

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