
Create an estimate—inside or outside a patient's SOAP.

Updated over a week ago

Estimates can be created within a SOAP or on the patient profile directly. Estimates are used for client approval and then can be added to a Tx plan within the SOAP.

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Create an Estimate Outside of a SOAP

To make an estimate for a patient outside of a SOAP (if they're not checked in or the estimate is for a future service/plan) you will:

  1. Navigate to the patient profile

  2. Select the three dots next to the Check-In/View SOAP button

  3. Select 'Add Estimate.'

Once the Estimate is created and saved, it will stay on the Patient Profile under the History tab.

Importing an Estimate into a SOAP

Estimates must be imported into a SOAP in order to be approved by the client.

  1. Open the patient's SOAP

  2. On the SOAP Summary tab scroll down to Estimates

  3. Import Estimate

    1. This drop down will show all Estimates created outside of a SOAP and can be imported into the current SOAP

    2. From here the client can Approve or Decline the Estimate

Create an Estimate in a SOAP

If a patient’s already checked into your practice and you want to create an estimate in their record for services to be done that day:

  1. Open the patient’s SOAP (either through the clinic dashboard or their patient dashboard)

  2. Select ‘Add New Estimate’ on their SOAP Summary Page

  3. This will open a new, blank estimate within the SOAP.

Note: If an estimate is created within a SOAP, it cannot be imported into another SOAP. Creating an estimate within a SOAP should be meant for services done that day/hospital stay.

Adding Prescriptions to an Estimate

You will add prescription medications onto an estimate just like any other treatments/services. Once an Rx is added to an Estimate select the Rx Checkbox on the leftmost column.

This will ensure that all Rx items are added to the Rx tab and all unchecked items are added to the Plan tab, once 'Add Products to Plan or Rx' is selected on an approved estimate.

Approving an Estimate and Adding Treatments to Plan/Rx

To add an estimate's products to a patient's treatment plan, you must have client approval. Estimates can be approved 2 ways: Manually Approve/Decline or Request Client Signature

  • Manual Approve/Decline: requires no signature (tip: this is really great for contactless and curbside care)

  • Request Client Signature: requires the client to sign via a signature modal.

Once an Estimate is Approved, you can 'Add Products to Plan or Rx' by clicking the green button.

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