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Reports Overview
Reports Overview

Create and download all the reports you need to keep your practice running smoothly.

Updated over a week ago

Shepherd Reports

Running reports is a critical function of any veterinary practice, however it’s a responsibility that should be tightly controlled since reports contain medical information for patients, as well as contact/personal information for clients.

Reports can be both created and downloaded. A created report will populate within the Shepherd admin.

Creating Reports

To create a report:

  • Click 'Reports'

  • Select the report you want to create

  • Select or input the date

  • Click the 'Create Report' button

A downloaded report allows you to open up the report in its entirety in Excel, Google Sheets, or similar. When opened in these programs, you can filter the data in ways that are extremely helpful for things like email campaigns. However, this information is also the backbone of your practice, and should be kept as secure as possible.

Downloading Reports

To download a report:

  • Click 'Reports'

  • Select the report you want to create

  • Select or input the date

  • Click the 'Download PDF' or 'Download CSV' button

Types of Reports
In order to provide as much information to our practices as possible, we’ve made sure you’re able to generate every report your practice will need to document clients, patients, and medication.

Reports that you can generate in Shepherd fit into 4 groups:

Filtering Reports

With a few exceptions (like the End of Day report), you're able to filter reports by different date ranges:

  • This Month

  • This Quarter

  • This Year

  • Last Month

  • Last Quarter

  • Last Year

  • Custom Value

Tip: A created report can now be filtered/sorted by clicking the icon next to each column header (green). These filtered/sorted results can then be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the download button (pink).

Financial Reports

  • Accounts receivable: the amount of money owed to your practice for the amount of work performed in a specific time period; broken down into client/invoice

  • End of day: contains invoices, payments, totals, and cash drawer reconciliation for a day. Can be run for any single day.

  • Invoice line item: every invoice line item across all invoices for a specific time period

  • Invoice summary: every invoice across all patients/clients for a specific time period

  • Production report: details each doctor’s production quantities (by category), as well as production totals for the clinic

  • Sales tax report: a breakdown of sales into taxable/non-taxable amounts and the tax totals for all sales, divided into accrual basis and cash basis

  • Summary report: gives a high level breakdown of: revenue, sales tax, payment types, AR reconciliation, payments, discounts, refunds, returns, sales by product category, invoices, production, and client/patient numbers

  • QuickBooks Journal Entry Report: This report is a summation of your financial data for the specified date range formatted as an accounting journal entry. The information on this report is usually used with the assistance of a professional accountant or third party software for bookkeeping purposes. Third party tools (such as TransactionPro) can be used to import the financial data directly into Quickbooks Online.

  • Transaction: all transactions and associated client information for a specific time period

Product and Medication Reports

  • Controlled drug: all controlled drugs administered to patients (as well as the patient and client name) for a specific time period

  • Inventory Items Below or at Reorder Point: all items that have reached their Reorder Point

  • Inventory Items Sale/Usage: how your practice has items set up, and how they are used

  • Inventory Single Item: a deep dive into the usage of individual items

  • Inventory Status: view current status of items on your shelf

  • Product: allows you to run a report for all products in your database—whether active, inactive, or both

  • Product usage: shows all products administered over a specific timeframe and gives an overview of how each product is set up

  • Vaccine: all vaccines administered in a specific time period; can be made specifically for rabies vaccinations

Client/Patient Reports

  • Client: Shows all clients within a specific timeframe who:

    • Were created in Shepherd

    • Had a patient added to their profile

    • Had a patient with a SOAP

    • Are active/inactive

  • Patient: Shows all patients within a specific timeframe who:

    • Were created in Shepherd

    • Had a SOAP created

  • Problem and diagnosis: all problems and/or diagnoses recorded in any patient SOAP for a specific time period

  • Reminders: Shows all reminders

    • Can be filtered/sorted by Due Date, Patient and/or Client

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