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Leading mode and student permissions

Learn how to control what your student sees and does in the classroom

Russell Kilgour avatar
Written by Russell Kilgour
Updated over 2 years ago

To make sure your students see what you see, Leading Mode is to the rescue! Enable Leading Mode in any classroom and make students follow you to any tab or part of the whiteboard. Here's how:

Leading mode:

Leading Mode allows a teacher to lock a student into their view. This means that wherever the teacher goes on a classroom, so do their students. Activate leading mode to ensure you are in control of your lesson.

Let's see some other options to help you control what others see and change:

Read-only Mode:

If you don't want your students to make any edits on any tabs, turn on Read-Only mode, this way it's only you who can make changes in the Space.

Disallow Tab to be Closed and Disallow changes:

If you right-click on the Whiteboard tab (i.e. 'Whiteboard 1') at the top, you select "Disallow Tab To Be Closed" this will prevent a student from deleting a tab.

Giving and withdrawing editing permissions

To control when students have access to editing the whiteboards, use Leading mode to control who has editing access and when.

Click on the Participants menu (or open the Chat and then click "People") and use the three dots to Disable/Enable Editing for All.

Then, click on the participant's name you want to Enable/Disable Editing for. This is a great way to only allow one student at a time to make edits, or to withdraw editing permissions from users who are causing issues.

Mute/unmute students:

Click on the participants' list in a Space to manage participants. Choose a student and click "Mute microphone" or "Ask to unmute microphone". You can also ask them to stop or resume their video. Find out more about participant management here.

Lock items:

If you click on Image or PDF and select "Lock" this will prevent a student from deleting or erasing an image or PDF.

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