If you encounter any issues connecting to our network partner, this document contains pertinent information you should know.
You will learn the following:
Luwjistik Modular Services
We provide a solution based on modularity. Modular management tools allow the management of the entire supply chain from a single platform. You can create your supply chain, like stacking a Lego to complete your supply chain flow. Our marketplace offers an extensive selection of regional network partners to cater to all logistics needs.
What is Modular?
By adopting a modular approach, you can break down your supply chain into distinct components, such as First Mile, Custom Clearance, and Last Mile, and then integrate them to create a seamless end-to-end supply chain process. A modular supply chain allows you to configure your supply chain to cater to any specific needs of your operations or business modules.
Depending on how many network partners you'd like to connect with, you can connect with our network partner in the marketplace by browsing based on their locations and services provided. Learn how to send a connection request to your preferred network partner in our marketplace.
What to Expect in Luwjistik Marketplace?
The Luwjistik Marketplace offers logistics services and products from network partners, including transportation, warehousing, and supply chain management tools. There are multiple advantages to utilising the Luwjistik marketplace for your logistical needs, including:
Seamless integration with various network partners through a single API integration.
Hassle-free set-up without the need for tedious paperwork with multiple stakeholders.
Gain access to competitive rates through Luwjistik with full-price transparency across the network.
Extensive selection of network partners across first and last-mile delivery and customs clearance.
How to connect to a network partner?
You can request connections with any network partner on our marketplace page. Below are the instructions to link up with our network partners:
Please navigate to the marketplace in our menu bar.
You have a few options to start browsing any of our network partners.
Type the exact name of the network partner in the search button.
Filter network partners based on country.
Filter network partners based on services provided.
Filter network partners based on the combination of country and services.
A list of network partners will appear based on your chosen criteria. Click on any network partner to learn more about the network partner.
Network partner information is visible once you click on the image, making it easier to find the information you need about the network partner before sending a connection request.
Network partner information that is visible in the marketplace includes:
Coverage area
COD capabilities
Company Brief
Click Connect with the Vendor to communicate with the network partner.
You can make connection requests to an unlimited number of network partners. To establish your supply chain in L-Control, you must receive approval from your network partner after sending a connection request (subsequent action).
Please read our network partner business profile before sending your connection request to ensure your operations need and business requirements align with the services offered by the network partner.
Should you encounter any issues or have questions while using the portal, contact our dedicated support team at Support@luwjistik.com. We are always ready to assist you.