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CSV/FTP Integration
Updated over a year ago

You can integrate to Shippit through the FTP server in less than 5 minutes! You only need to generate FTP credentials and type those into your FTP client.

Need assistance in implementing your integration? Connect with your account manager, sales contact, or visit our website to avail professional services today!

This full detail guide contains instructions to set-up and use both:

CSV Upload Using Web Interface

To be specific, the web interface referred to here is Shippit Connect.

Shippit Connect is our middleware platform for integration. This means that orders in the CSV file are actually uploaded in Shippit Connect, and then synced into Shippit.

Setting-up Shippit Connect

To set-up connection to Shippit Connect,

  1. Login to Shippit and go to Settings > Integration

  2. Scroll down to the integration options and choose CSV/FTP Integration

  3. Select Upload via Web Interface

  4. You will receive a green prompt signifying the connection is successful

  5. On the upper right, click on Launch Connect

  6. Shippit Connect should open in a new tab


Uploading a CSV File

Once the CSV Upload via Web Interface is set-up, you can Launch Connect to upload orders through CSV files whenever needed.

The upload process is as follows:

  1. Login to Shippit and go to Settings > Integrations

  2. Click Launch Connect

  3. On the Shippit Connect homepage, click on the green button at the top right that says Upload Orders CSV File

  4. Click on Choose File and select the CSV file

  5. Click on Upload Orders

  6. You will be routed back to the Shippit Connect homepage and this time, the orders will be loaded one by one

  7. After the orders are loaded into Shippit Connect, it will display in the status column if they successfully synced or not

Orders that are tagged as Synced are expected to appear in the Shippit New Orders. Orders that produced an Error, however, are stuck in Shippit Connect unless their entry is corrected in the CSV file and then reuploaded.

πŸ’‘ If it's your first time uploading orders via CSV, see FTP Integration - CSV Columns for a breakdown of every column and how it maps to our API.

Connecting to the FTP Server

If you have a system that has a Connect/Send to FTP function, you only need to generate FTP credentials from Shippit and then plug those into your system.

Generating FTP Credentials

To generate FTP credentials from Shippit,

  1. Login to Shippit and go to Settings > Integration

  2. Scroll down to the integration options and choose CSV/FTP Integration

  3. Select Update via the FTP Service

  4. You will receive a green prompt signifying the connection is successful

  5. At the bottom of the screen, the following FTP Connection Details will be displayed:

    • Server Hostname

    • Server Port

    • Username

    • Password


The FTP password will only be displayed at this instance. It will be masked the next time you load this page. Though, you will get an option to reset this password when you need it next time.
Once you click on Continue, you will see your FTP Integration Settings and a button to launch Shippit Connect, a separate middleware platform that connects FTP to Shippit.


Using an FTP Client

While most merchants who integrate to Shippit via FTP Server has a system with built in Connect/Send to FTP function, we will use an FTP client for the purpose of this guide.

Cyberduck is an open-source client for FTP and SFTP, WebDAV, and cloud storage, available for macOS and Windows. Cyberduck is written in Java and C# using the Cocoa user interface framework on macOS and Windows Forms on Windows.

Cyberduck is our FTP client for this guide. You may download Cyberduck here.

Once your FTP client is set-up,

  1. Launch your FTP client

  2. Click on Open Connection

  3. Type in your FTP credentials from Shippit

  4. To check if you're connected, you should see the below folder structure within your FTP client:

    • orders

      • failed

      • imported

      • new


Uploading to the FTP Server

As soon as you're connected to the Shippit folders through the FTP client, you can start adding CSV files into the new folder.


πŸ’‘ If it's your first time uploading orders via CSV, see FTP Integration - CSV Columns for a breakdown of every column and how it maps to our API.

The FTP server processes the CSV files in the new folder every 15 minutes. If you do not want to wait for the 15-minute cycle, you can:

  1. Go to Shippit > Settings > Integrations

  2. Click on Launch Connect

  3. On the new tab, click on the downward arrow in the green button at the top right

  4. Select Fetch new files via FTP

The contents of the file that did not sync into Shippit Connect appears in the failed folder in your FTP client. If you open the file, the last 2 columns will show the status and error message.


The contents of the file that successfully synced into the middleware, Shippit Connect, will appear in the imported folder and in Shippit Connect order history.

Orders that contain the status Synced should appear in the Shippit New Orders tab.

Order Management Tips

If you are integrated to Shippit using the FTP Service, we understand that there are three platforms involved:

  1. FTP Server - displayed through your FTP Client

  2. Shippit Connect - middleware connecting the FTP Server to Shippit

  3. Shippit - the platform where you label, confirm, and track orders

When you need to troubleshoot or simply locate an order, it is helpful to start with the FTP server and work your way through Shippit Connect and then Shippit.

  • The FTP Server will show you which orders synced and did not sync into Shippit Connect.

  • Shippit Connect will show you which orders synced and did not sync into Shippit.

  • Shippit will display orders that are producing an error due to address, packaging, or courier.

If you have any questions about CSV and FTP integration, do not hesitate to email

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