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All CollectionsRelease Notes2024
Aug 15th, 2024 Release Notes, Version 24.16
Aug 15th, 2024 Release Notes, Version 24.16

An overview of new features and bug fixes released on Aug 15th, 2024 for Shipwell version 24.16

Written by Shipwell TMS Support
Updated over a week ago

LTL Changes

Pro-number generation changes:

  • When the system generated a pro number and the dispatch failed, the system did not use up a pro number from the bank of pro numbers available for the carrier. Subsequently, when you redispatched the shipment, the system would use the same pro number. In some carrier systems, this was causing an issue given the dated and distributed nature of their IT systems which would block the dispatch because their systems believed they were already using that pro number.

  • Now if there is an error during dispatch, the system will pull a new pro number that should be successfully transmitted to the carriers' systems. This will ensure that the carriers' systems can successfully process the pro number. This may result in faster-than-expected use of your block of pro numbers if you continuously have dispatching errors.

Reference Data

The following charge code was added to the Shipwell standard. Note this will be returned as part of the June 06, 2024 version header.

API Changes

  • Shipments

    • Bulk Documents Upload

      • New bulk documents endpoint to allow adding one or more documents to a shipment at once.

        • /v2/shipments/{shipmentId}/bulk-documents/

    • Add Orders to Shipment

      • New add orders to shipment endpoint:

        • /v2/shipments/{shipmentId}/add-orders/

    • Remove Order from Shipment

      • New remove order from shipment

        • /v2/shipments/{shipmentId}/remove-orders/{orderId}/

  • Orders (next generation)

    • Undo Cancel Order via Uncancel Order

      • Added ability to uncancel a purchase order

        • /purchase-orders/{order_id}/uncancel

Data Science/Analytics Model Updates

The following fields are now available in the secure private data share as well as the in-platform analytics.

  • Shipment Documents

    • Company ID

    • Document Type

    • Has Document Type (Yes/No)

    • Reference ID

    • Shipment Documents Key

    • Shipment Documents Updated Date

    • Count

  • User Rep Role

    • Rep Name

    • Rep Role Key

    • Role Name

    • Shipment Rep Updated Date

    • Count

  • Shipment Container Details

    • Booking Number

    • Carrier SCAC Code

    • Chassis Number

    • Container Number

    • Container Return Date

    • Estimated Arrival Date

    • House BOL Number

    • Last Free Date

    • Release Date

    • Seal Number

    • Shipment Details

    • Quantity Override

    • Total Quantity Override

Added Invoice Sub Status columns on the following Canned Reports

  • Freight Expense & Accrual*

  • Freight Invoice Audit*


  • International Currency Support: Added the same international currency support for the five currently supported Shipwell currencies (USD, CAD, MXN, CNY, EUR)

  • Remove Rating Page: Previously there was a rating page asking drivers to rate every stop which was adding friction. We have removed this for now and anticipate reimplementing in a way aligned with Dock Scheduling at a later day.

Other Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Bug or Enhancement



V4 Rating - item Quantity not getting passed in rate request


SFTP invoice outbound assuming quantity is an integer, was changed to decimal


UPS Authentication Error


LTL Shipments-SAIA/FEDEX/R+L- Moving into transit status at dispatch


CLONE - Manual tender documents not appearing (csharp repro, vendor support case, and work-around path-finding)


300+ Duplicate R&L Invoices


FedEx Dispatch Failure - SOAP_API-


Contract Rates are not visible at the time of order creation


Order number not coming through consistently in the 204.


Rate Shop issue via API


POST /distance/ request is being called on every keystroke


Order Importer Custom Reference Data Not Showing on Order


Pallets Missing on the Shipment created from V3 orders


Charge Code Field Blank When in Edit Mode


Doubling line items


When going from v3 Order into a shipment go right into shipment details page

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