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All CollectionsRelease Notes2024
Aug 29th, 2024 Release Notes, Version 24.17
Aug 29th, 2024 Release Notes, Version 24.17

An overview of new features and bug fixes released on Aug 29th, 2024 for Shipwell version 24.17

Written by Shipwell TMS Support
Updated over a week ago

Contract Stop Locations Optional for Variable Stop Charges

Users now have the ability to enter variable stop charges on contracts without being required to add an address location associated with the stop. This allows users to set up contract rates that are independent of specific stop locations. When multiple extra stop charges are applied to a shipment, the cumulative stop charges will be applied. If more stops exist on the shipment beyond the number of incremental stop charges on the contract, the last stop charge will be applied to the additional stops.

For example, if the contract is setup with:

  • Stop 1 - $100

  • Stop 2 - $200

  • Stop 3 - $300

If the shipment includes 3 additional stops, the total stop charges will be $600.

If the shipment includes 4 additional stops, the total stop charges will be $900, with the 4th stop being charged at $300.

Added Charge Codes and Categories

“Variance” is now added as a category and the associated charge code is VARI.

ScriptLab Logging Update

We’ve added script logging support to accounts with ScriptLab enabled. You will now see the script results and logging under the view log link.

Clicking view log will open a modal with the script results to help with debugging and logging.

Air Visibility (Beta)

Shipwell implemented robust MAWB (Master Airway Bill) Tracking to allow you to gain deeper insights and real-time visibility of your air shipments. You can now track the progress of your air cargo from origin to destination with greater accuracy and efficiency. To learn about this exciting new feature, please click on the article below:

This product is currently in a Beta phase. Please engage with your Customer Success Manager to inquire more! This service may require additional charges to your base subscription.

API Changes

  • Companies

    • /v2/companies

      • In the brokerage object of a company, the is_3pl property now deprecated as this property is no longer utilized (in the UI when creating a company, the Shipwell Admin UI will also no longer ask for this information). API callers may still send this property and the API calls will not fail, however it the is_3pl property is not utilized when creating shipments.

  • Equipment Types

    • New equipment types added in platform:

      • "AIRCRAFT"


  • Shipments

    • Shipments may now be queried by house and master air_waybill for air shipments:

      • "house_air_waybill"

      • "house_air_waybill__contains"

      • "master_air_waybill"

      • "master_air_waybill__contains"

  • New Events

    • New order.item.deleted event that is emitted when an item on an order is deleted (link).

      • This event is available by subscribing to the event via a webhook or by querying/polling the events API endpoint filtered by this event name.

Data Science/Analytics Model Updates


  • Loaded Datetime Date

  • Actor ID

  • Assignment Order

  • Created Date

  • Custom Data

  • Deleted Date

  • Description

  • Dim Shipment Detail Key

  • Event Sub Type

  • Event Type

  • Fact shipment timeline event key

  • manually created (Y/N)

  • occurred date

  • Source

  • Timeline Updated Date

  • Count

Address Book (download all address books on a tenant) & Address Books On Pickup/Delivery Stops (look at which stops was created via an Address Book entry)

  • Loaded Datetime Date

  • Accessorials

  • Address

  • Address Book Updated Date

  • Appointment Type

  • City

  • Company ID

  • Company Name

  • Country

  • Dim Address Book Key

  • Dock Hours End

  • Dock Hours Start

  • Email

  • External Reference

  • First Name

  • ID

  • Last Name

  • Location Name

  • Location Type

  • Notes

  • Open Friday (Yes / No)

  • Open Monday (Yes / No)

  • Open Saturday (Yes / No)

  • Open Sunday (Yes / No)

  • Open Thursday (Yes / No)

  • Open Tuesday (Yes / No)

  • Open Wednesday (Yes / No)

  • Open Weekdays (Yes / No)

  • Open Weekends (Yes / No)

  • Phone Number

  • Postal Code

  • State Province

  • Weekday Open Hours

  • Weekend Open HourS

  • Shipment Custom Lineitem (view to report on custom lineitem fields)

  • Shipment Custom Stop (view to report on custom stop fields)


  • Finished International Currency Support: Added the same international currency support for the five currently supported Shipwell currencies (USD, CAD, MXN, CNY, EUR)

  • Continued iOS app refactor

Other Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Bug or Enhancement



Address info not included in shipment.stop.location.updated webhook's payload


Fedex Service Classification to align with SCAC


Problem Dispatching LTL shipment to FedEx-failed to insert a record into database


FedEx tracking migration


Contract stop locations optional for variable stop charges


Charge line items updated by the carrier doesn't trigger the possible events


Unable to create invoice


Issues when selecting an order to ready as well as saving when changing product


Publish order.item.deleted event


Invoice status updated to old status after a doc is updated to the existing invoice


Default Tags Not Being Added to Shipments


Create a Script Lab script for order-based cost allocation for Johnson Health


Consolidated order selection is not calculating the proper weight within the Orders Dashboard.


Error when combining two orders to a shipment


Add 'Release Present', and 'Payment Term' as available columns for v3 Orders Dashboard


Need to allow users to uncancel an Order (v3)


Shipment Assembly for v3 orders - 'ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRY_REFERENCE_ID' not appearing to work for v3 orders


When a handling unit is displayed there are issues with the 'Item' that is on the handling unit on the Shipment Details page


Order Creation - Country of Manufacture should be a dropdown.


orderCreated script handling unit count type error


Check carrier profile drivers card


orderCreated script not tagging lane_origin_zone when lane_origin_zone present in custom_data


Expired Contract still displaying and reflecting pricing on Routing Guide


Address validation is failing for airports outside of North America


EDI 210 transaction creating multiple invoices

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