Types of Payment UI customisations:
Payment method tile reordering
Hiding certain payment methods
Payment method description
Before we begin, where can you make these changes?
Go to Customise UI tab -> Customise Checkout UI -> Payments
Payment method tile reordering:
You can reorder the payment methods basis what you want the preferred order to be :
Reorder Tile
Click and drag the tiles that is highlighted in the above image. And move it to the order you want it to be at.
Hiding Payment Methods:
If you want certain payment methods to be hidden on your checkout you can use the hide visibility option. These methods won't be visible for the Shoppers and hence they won't be able to make payment through that mode.
Hide payment method
Payment Method Description:
You can description under the payment method. Click on edit description icon, shown below.
Change Description
Example of adding description
You can add important description here, which could be helpful for shoppers while making the payment.