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How to use Auto Blog

Generate and schedule 100s of articles for your blog.

Updated over 3 months ago

Shopia's Auto Blog feature is a guided wizard to help you generate a batch of articles all at once or on specific schedule without compromising on quality or control.

Auto Blog is made up of 5 quick steps:

  1. Upload Article Ideas

  2. Preview Articles

  3. Configuration

  4. Scheduling

  5. Generate

This section will cover each step in detail explaining how to get the most out of Auto Blog

Accessing Auto Blog

To access the Auto Blog feature, head over to the Blog Hub from the Home dashboard, then click on Auto Blog at the top.

Step 1 - Upload Article Ideas

The first step in Auto Blog is deciding how you want to upload your batch of article details to generate. There are 3 options.

Option 1 - Connect Topic Cluster

Topic Clusters are a data-driven way to find article ideas for your blog. With just a target keyword, Shopia can create clusters of sub-topics you can cover for that keyword. Auto Blog allows you to bulk generate the cluster of articles in Topic Clusters.

To learn more about Topic Clusters, click here.

Option 2 - Upload CSV

You can also upload a CSV containing the article topics you would like write articles for. The CSV should have the following columns:

  • Keyword: The target keyword or topic of your article.

  • Target region (optional): The target region you would like to rank for in terms of SEO. View supported regions.

  • Title (optional): Article title

  • Description (optional): A brief description of the article's topic and any specific instructions to add to the article.

  • Writing style (optional): A description of the tone, writing style, and audience of this article.

  • Custom sections (optional): The sections to include in the article. Add a section header on each line.

Option 3 - Add Manually

Add articles and their details manually.

Step 2 - Preview Articles

Once you have you have uploaded your article ideas, you can preview, manage, and edit the details of your articles before generating.

First, give this bulk job a name in the field shown below.

To add articles manually, simply click on + Add Article and a new row will appear where you can add its details (Click on the dropdown arrow to edit more details).

For each article you can include the following details:

  • Keyword: The target keyword or topic of your article.

  • Target region (optional): The target region you would like to rank for in terms of SEO. View supported regions.

  • Title (optional): Article title

  • Description (optional): A brief description of the article's topic and any specific instructions to add to the article.

  • Tone (optional): A description of the tone, writing style, and audience of this article. This overwrites the Writing Style added in the Configuration step.

  • Custom sections (optional): The sections to include in the article. Add up to 10 section headers on each line.

Note that the ! next to your article indicates mandatory fields are empty. You cannot continue until all articles' mandatory details are filled.

Step 3 - Configuration

The configurations step provides extra control over the all your articles' length, formatting, quality and more.

The settings you select can be saved as a Preset and reused for other articles. Just make sure to click on Save as Preset at the bottom and give it a name.

The configuration step allows you to adjust the following:

  • Output Language and Target Region: The language the article is written in and the region you would like to rank for in terms of SEO. View supported regions.

  • Model Quality: For double the credits, you can use Quality mode which is slower but produces better quality outputs in terms of writing style, formatting and better at following any instructions provided.

  • Auto-Research: If you want to ensure your articles are factual or use specific resources when writing its content, this setting is important. There are two options, Manual and Auto. Manual allows you to input your own URLs whereas Auto will automatically plan and find URLs based on your outline. Shopia analyses those resources to extract key information to help it write its content.

  • Internal Linking: If you want to your article includes internal links, add your website domain. Shopia will analyze your sitemap to find relevant and related links to add as hyperlinks in your article.

  • Length: Control the length of your article based on the number of sections to include in the outline.

  • Formatting toggles: You have the option to encourage the AI to include elements such as tables, statistics, Frequently Asked Questions, pull quotes (i.e. callout), and case studies. This can help create more interesting article structures for your audience.

  • Featured Image: You have the option to include a featured image. You can toggle whether you want the image to be AI generated or a Stock image. Shopia's AI will do its best to determine what the best featured image should be for your article.

Click Continue to save your settings for this bulk job.

Step 4 - Scheduling

This is the final step before generating the articles in your bulk job.

4.1 Scheduling

You can select a schedule for when your articles are generated. Simply enable the scheduling toggle and choose your preferences:

When you hve this setting enabled, you will be charged credits at the time of each article generation e.g 10 credits every day. When scheduling is disabled, you will be charged the total cost at once and each article will begin generating at 30 second intervals.

4.2 Publishing & Notifications

You also have the option to:

  • Auto Publish: Creating an integration point and automatically publishing the generated article to your desired 3rd-party software.

  • Email when complete: Once the bulk job is complete, an email is sent to notify you.

Step 5 - Generate

Once you click Generate, Shopia will start working on generating your articles and adding them to a folder with the name of the bulk job.

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