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My Staf cancelled. What's next?
My Staf cancelled. What's next?

Staf cancellation and the next steps

Lena avatar
Written by Lena
Updated over a week ago

You had a Staf member apply and confirm. Now, they have cancelled for your event. What happens next? Below we have different solutions for you.

My Staf member cancelled before 24 hours of my event

Now, a different Staf member will have the opportunity to confirm for your event. Open up your ShortStaf app, and view your applied Staf from your Home Dashboard. Here, you will see the Staf that you have accepted, as well as Staf who may have recently applied and have not been accepted by you yet.

Anyone you have already accepted has received a notification that your event is back open. At this point, they will have the opportunity to confirm for your event. Once they are confirmed, the position will go back to 'filled'. If you have Reserve Staf available for your event, you may need to perform no action.

For this reason, we advise you to accept as many Staf as you like and feel comfortable with. More importantly, decline any Staf you would not like working your event. If they are in your applied Staf and not declined, they will still receive notifications regarding your event when it reopens due to a cancellation. 

My Staf member cancelled within 24 hours of my event

When your Staf cancels within 24 hours of your event, ShortStaf will alert your Reserve Staf (applicants you have accepted) the event is back open. From here, the Reserve Staf must confirm and check-in to be working your event. You will be notified when both actions occur,

What if I don't have any Reserve Staf?

If you have no other applicants for your event, ShortStaf will alert all members (who are qualified) to apply for the position. From here, you must accept a Staf member who you would like working your event. After they are accepted, they must confirm and check-in to be working your event.

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