To create an Email for Download Campaign, log in to your account and click on Campaigns in the Upper left corner, then follow these steps:
Click the red "New Campaign" button in the upper right.
Click "Select" next to Email for Download.
Download Content - Select the file to be sent to users after they submit their email by clicking "Upload"
Messaging - Headline and message will be used on the campaign minisite and social media.
Click "Next: Style" to proceed to the next step.
Style Content - The artwork is currently used for social media previews. The campaign appearance can be customized with a chosen background and theme.
Click "Upload" to select your Artwork.
Make adjustments to your Background (optional) - JPEG or PNG, 1280Γ800px minimum recommended. For best results avoid using any text in your background.
Select your color scheme.
Click "Next: Email" to proceed to the next step.
Email - The subject and body of the email sent to users who have submitted their email address. The email will also contain a link to download your file.
Subject - ex: "Your Free Download"
Message - This is what will appear when you fan opens your email. Enter a quick thank you note, or if you're using the campaign for something like a contest entry, you can describe more about your contest there.
Button Text - Your fan sees your button at the bottom of the email. It's how they will access your download. Use a term like "Download Now" or "Get Exclusive Music" to describe where they're going.
Add another call to action to this email - You can click the box to open a new field where you can enter a title, message, and new button. The second call to action will send in the same email, separated from your main download by the "Title" section. This is a great place to add other things you might want a fan to do like "Follow Me on Spotify" or "Check out my Merch".
Click "Next: Advanced Settings.
Advanced Settings: Optional settings to power up your campaign
Geo-Blocking - Allowed Countries - If empty, geo-blocking will be disabled.
Tracking- Google Analytics, remarketing tags and pixels are all optional. Essentially, they are tools to help track and direct where your fans are clicking, how frequently, and help guide you to create better-informed ad placements and campaigns.
Google Analytics - Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Here is a support article link that may help you get started:
Remarketing tags - Remarketing tags are a block of code that adds your website visitors to remarketing lists, which will allow you to target your ads to these visitors. Think of this as when you're browsing for, say, a vacuum cleaner, and you get fed clickable ads for new vacuums... That's remarketing at work! Here's a support article about this process:
Data Collection - Select the Form Fields you want to collect from your fans.
Privacy Policy - Someone would use this if they have their own privacy policy already on their website, or if they're running on a contest and want to enter terms. Otherwise, you can keep the link to ours.
Click "Next: Preview"
Click "Publish"
Once you Publish your Campaign, you can use your Minisite Link and/or Embed Code to share your campaign with your fans via social media or email.
Minisite Link - When posted on Twitter and Facebook, the link will display the artwork, title and description.
Embed Code - Your campaign can also be embedded into any website you control by inserting the HTML code provided.