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Products: How To Import Products

Import your products list details and images into a collection

Written by Kim
Updated over a week ago

Product Import Template

You can download the import templates by following the link: Download Product Import Template. Please follow the instructions provided in the file.

Importing Products Into A Collection

You can easily import your products into ShowroomHQ via a .CSV spreadsheet file. There are 4 steps in the import process: Upload, Verify, Preview, and Import

  1. From the Collections List click "Actions" > Import Collection (Note: If this option is not available, create a collection first and then it will become available.)

  2. Choose File (.CSV file)

  3. Import to : a "New Collection" or "Existing Collection"
    - If selecting a "New Collection", add details: Collection Name, Brand, Season, and Year.
    - If selecting "Existing Collection" > find the collection you want to add product to in the drop down > Click "Upload"

  4. By default the system will map most of the details for you, but we suggest going through each one to make sure each detail maps to the appropriate field > "Next"

  5. Preview will list out any issues that the import might have, and will show you how many will be imported > "Next" 

  6. Download an error report if there are some records that were skipped. The report will list the products that were skipped and why. 

  7. By default, the collection will be "Active". You can disable the collection while you in the process of building it so that it will not be visible to your customers in the online showroom until it is ready to be released. To disable or make it active > go to the collection list > hover over the collection name > choose "Disable" or "Make active".

Click on the image to play tutorial or to view it full screen.

Matching Product Images To Product Details

Click on the image to play tutorial or to view it full screen.

  1. Go to the collection and group that you wish to add products to. Photos will need to be uploaded separately group by group. If there are no records that match the photo file name, the system will create a new style under the group you've created.

  2. Click "Add Photos" (notice "attach images" file selector appear). The system accept .png and .jpeg files.

  3. For the product image to match the product details, the image must have the style number in the name of the image. To add an alternate image to a product, just include a "-1", "-2" and so on to the other images of the same product.

    For example; Style #1000 would match to image 1000.jpg.

    Style #1000 (main image)---> 1000.jpg
    Style #1000 back view (alternate image) ---> 1000-1.jpg
    Style #1000 side view (alternate image) ---> 1000-2.jpg
    Style #1000 Red (alternate image) ---> 1000-3.jpg
    Style #1000 Blue (alternate image) ---> 1000-4.jpg

    *The image filename can only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) with a dash, and all other characters will be replaced with an underscore symbol. I.e. the image name for product "123-ABC/456-DEF" will become "123-ABC_456-DEF.jpg".

    *If there is more than one product that has the same style number and matches, that -photo will be added to any products that match.

  4. After images have been uploaded, you can assign specific color options to each image in the product's edit page. (Note: If you overwrite the product with another import, it will reset the color labels).

Alternatively, you can add images manually by dragging and dropping the images into the image box or by going into the product page and adding them. Learn more here.

Updating Products With Bulk Import

To update the current products in your collection, you can use the import function to quickly update your products.

  1. Go to Collections >Products

  2. Filter for the products in the collection that you would like to update.

  3. Select the "Export" button

  4. Make your edits in the spreadsheet file and save the file.

  5. Select the "Import products" button to import the file.

  6. For "Duplicate Records", choose "Overwrite"

  7. For "Match the products by", choose "ShowroomHQ Product ID".

    If you want to add new products, you must first import these separately by following the steps above.

Deleting A Bulk Import

If you have made a mistake, or want to remove an import, do not make any changes to any of the records that you have just imported. If you do, the system will not allow a reverse on the import.

You can bulk delete an import by following the below steps:

  1. Go to Company Settings

  2. Import > Select the import that you wish to remove

  3. Click "Delete records"

As always if you run into any issues with this, please shoot us a message and we can walk you through it - .

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