If you use JOOR, we have an integration tool set up so that you can import your orders into ShowroomHQ easily.
There are 4 steps in the import process: Upload, Verify, Preview, and Import
From Orders click on "Import Orders"
Select "source" > JOOR
Choose your data file that you have exported from JOOR
Select the brand you will be adding the orders for from the drop down menu
Select the season the orders will be applied to
Select the Year the order will be applied to
Advanced Options: Note the "Duplicate Records" - select whether you wish any duplicates to be "skipped", "duplicated", or "overwritten"
Click "Upload" when complete
This is where you will need to map out your import file. Orders exported directly from JOOR should map with the columns provided on the Verify page. If you have any issues with this please contact us! support@showroomhq.com
Click "Next" when finished mapping out your fields.
This page will allow you to preview your import before actually importing your orders into the system. Here you will see any errors that occurred in the mapping process and if you need to go back to change anything. These will be highlighted with "Error" to show you where the change needs to happen.
A couple examples of issues that could occur:
Incomplete email addresses
Incorrect data mapped ie; an email address in a phone number field
Missing data ie; customer name, order number
If there are no issues in the preview and you are ready to import your orders click "Next". A loading page should appear while you wait for the import.
Once the import has been completed, this page will tell you how many orders have been imported, and ones that may have been skipped. You will have the option to download an error report for all of the ones that were skipped. This is nice to download to see where the error occurred and gives you the opportunity to fix those and re-import the missed ones.
Deleting your import
If you have made a mistake, or want to remove an import, you can do so by going into your Company Settings > Import > "delete records". The one thing to note is that once a record has been edited, the entire import cannot be deleted.
As always if you run into any issues with this, please shoot us a message and we can walk you through it - support@showroomhq.com .