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Collections & Products: How To Disable, Bulk Archive And Delete
Collections & Products: How To Disable, Bulk Archive And Delete
Written by Kim
Updated over a week ago

Collection & Product Visibility

You can disable a collection to hide the collection and the products in the collection from being visible in the online showroom. Disabling a collection keeps the products active so that it can remain as a selection option in Purchase Orders (admin side). You can archive the product if you do not want to see it as an option while selecting products.

When products are archived, the Product’s Collection tag and Group tag will remain as is before it was removed from the group. All your archived products will disappear from the collection list but will be kept in database in case it needs to be restored.

If the product does not have orders, you can choose to archive or delete them. If the product has orders, you can only archive them.

How To Disable Or Delete A Collection


  2. Hover over the collection to pull up edit menu

  3. To disable the collection, select "Disable"

  4. To delete an active collection, select the "edit" option >"Delete collection".

  5. To delete a disabled collection, select "make active" then select the "edit" option >"Delete collection".

    The ""Delete collection" button will not be available if the collection has any products with orders. You can move those products to another collection prior to selecting this option.

How To Bulk Archive Products

  1. Go into the collection with products that you want to archive 

  2. Select the BULK EDIT button 

  3. Select all the products in each group you wish to archive 

  4. Select ARCHIVE option at the top of the group bar 

  5. SAVE 

Note: To make a product active again, you'll have to manually edit each product in COLLECTIONS >PRODUCTS


How To Bulk Delete & Bulk Archive Products In One Step

If you want to delete products with no orders and bulk archive those that do have orders, you can do this in one step.

  1. Go into the collection with products that you want to bulk archive and/or delete

  2. Select DELETE GROUP button. All associated products with orders will be archived and all associated products without orders will be deleted.

  3. SAVE 

Deleting products cannot be undone. If you wish to still keep the product in the ShowroomHQ then please use the bulk archive option. 

If the products are in multiple groups, you can drag and drop the products into a new group or use bulk edit to move the products. You'll need to SAVE before moving to the next step otherwise, your products will move back to their original groups.

If you are deleting the last group in the collection, you'll need to create a new group first by selecting the ADD GROUP button followed by the SAVE button before moving to the next step.



How To Make A Product Active

Want to see your archived products? You can find them under Collections >Products >Filter by "Status" >Select "Archived".  You can also pull up the product in the quick search field.

Select the product >in the "Edit Multiple" bar, select "Make Active" to change the status.

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