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Products: Creating A Single Product
Written by Kim
Updated over a week ago

1. You can find the "Add Product" button in various places:

  • While in the list of collections, select the "Actions" button> choose "Add Product"

  • While in a collection, select the "Add Product" button

  • While in the Products List (Collections >Products), select the "Add Product" button.

2. Fill in the product details in the Product's Edit tab.

  • Status - change the products status from "active" to archived".

    "Archived" will hide the product from view in the collection list and in the online showroom, but will be kept in the database in case it needs to be restored. You can bulk edit the statuses in Collections >Products menu.

  • Collection - move products between collection using this drop down. It will list off all of the other possible collections this product can be moved to

  • Group - as well as being able to move products between groups on the main collection screen, you can also move products by using this drop down. It will list off all of the groups that are within the collection.

  • Name - if the products have names (eg; Bella dress) you can type it into the Name field, as well as from the main collection bulk edit page.

  • Category - place the product in a category (eg; Tops, Dresses, Denim). This field will show a list of all categories that were created under Company Settings.

  • Description - add a description of the product. This can also be done from the main collection page in bulk edit.

  • Size Scale - Add sizing to the product by choosing a size scale from the drop down. This can also be done from the main collection page in bulk edit. You can add additional size options by going to your Company Settings >Size Scales.

  • Colors - Add multiple colors to a product by typing into the "Add color" field and hitting the (+) button. To remove a color just click the "trash can" icon. This can also be done from the main collection page in bulk edit. You can link a color to an alternate image once you have saved the colors to the product. The colors will then show up underneath the alternate images in a drop down bar.

3. Save the product to enter the pricing.

4. Add images and assign a color to the image. When you add your primary image, you'll only be able to select one image. After adding a primary image, you can upload multiple alternative images at once by dragging and dropping your images into the "Choose File" button or by selecting "Choose Files" and selecting the images.

5. Save changes. The "Save & Close" button will take you back to the product's collection list.

6. Editing products - If you make changes to the product's detail and it has orders associated with it, the past orders will not have the new changes. You can update past orders by re-adding the updated product.

7. Duplicate (button) - To duplicate a product and all of it's details, click the "Duplicate" button. This will create a brand new identical product. Save the product to enter the pricing.

Orders Tab (beside the Edit tab)

This tab will list all of the orders that the product had been added to. It will show the status of the order, the customer, season, order date, ship date, cancel date, location, booked $, shipped $, cancelled $, and all related units in brackets (all figures are converted to your company home currency).

You can also print this information off by clicking the "print" button.

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