Manage what tasks have been completed, are overdue, and that are upcoming with the Tasks feature.
You can create a new task from these pages:
Dashboard "New Task"
Main Menu > Create New
Main Menu > Tasks > New Task
Customer View > Add Task
How to add a task:
Add Task > Customer (choose a customer that the task pertains to) - if this is a general task then check "No Customer".
Task Date > Choose the date that the task is to be completed by
Task Type > Choose from the list of task types (eg; call, email, appointment etc.)
Assign To > Choose the sales rep that you want the task assigned to *note that this person will receive a task reminder email
Describe your task > write the details of the task into this field.
Save > the new task will now appear under the Tasks page, Dashboard, and the customer (if applicable)
Mark as Complete
Once a task has been added, it will appear on the dashboard under Tasks, on the Tasks page from the main menu, and under the customer the task was assigned to. To mark them as complete simply check the boxes beside the Task. Click here to find out how to adjust the amount of time the tasks stays visible.
How to Customize Task Type
To create custom task labels, go to Company Settings (gear icon) >Tasks >Add Task Type >Save.