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Notifications for online orders

How to setup notifications

Written by Kim
Updated over 4 years ago

When receiving online order notifications you'll receive all the details from the order, as well as a PDF confirmation of the order as an attachment. From the email there will also be a link, which will direct you to the order inside ShowroomHQ, to make any changes to if needed.

Setting up who will receive notifications via email, for online orders : 

  1. Go to Company Settings

  2. Company Settings > Online Showroom

  3. Online Showroom > Online Order Notifications 

  4. Choose which grouping of user roles will receive the email, or choose to not receive any notifications
    *Brand Managers - users can be edited in the Brand's profile. There can be multiple brand managers.
    *Account Managers - users can be edited in the customer's profile. There can only one account manager.

  5. Save Changes

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