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Mobile App - Home Tab

How do I access my membership on the mobile App?

Duncan Boggs avatar
Written by Duncan Boggs
Updated over a week ago

The Home Tab:

The "Home" tab is the default tab for the mobile app. 

The mobile app is primarily used to play live content from memberships and current classes on mobile devices.

This is where you can play daily videos, and thus the only place in the mobile app where you will find recorded content. 

Dollar signs $ represent premium content and require the appropriate membership to view. 

At launch, the first screen you will see will look like this. 

By swiping down on the screen, you can manually refresh the home page. 

If there is additional content to load, there will be a "Loading..." message at the top of the screen.

The Home tab is where you can play and bookmark daily videos to view later.

To play a video, tap on the listed video's section. 

To bookmark a video for later, tap the bookmark icon to the left of the daily video's title.

To filter bookmark, use the icon in the upper right corner of the screen. 


Mobile App - App Tabs

Mobile App - Alerts Tab

Mobile App - Membership Tab

Mobile App - Classes tab

Mobile App - Menu Tab

Mobile App - Bookmarking Alerts and Videos


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