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How to Configure a Multi-Time Frame label study on TOS
How to Configure a Multi-Time Frame label study on TOS

Set up the Multi Squeeze Pro, Multi Histogram, Multi Squeeze, Multi Cross, Multi 10X, and Multi Range indicators on a ThinkOrSwim chart.

Duncan Boggs avatar
Written by Duncan Boggs
Updated over a week ago


Any Multi time frame labels study is set-up the exact same way on the TOS platform. 

Examples of Multi Time Frame Label indicators are: 

Multi-10X , Multi-Squeeze , Multi-Cross , Multi-Range, Multi-Squeeze Pro, Multi-Histogram

*Please note the description label in the upper right of each chart is for demonstrative purposes only.

The process for getting these onto your chart is the same regardless of which one you're using.

This article will walk you though configuring these Indicators on the TOS platform.

Applying the indicator to your chart:

You will need to load the Multi Time Frame indicator as many times as you want to have it display on the chart. 

In other words, if you want there to be five Multi-Squeeze labels appear in the top left of your chart window, you will need to load the indicator five times in the Edit Studies and Strategies window. 

Additionally, each “instance” of the Multi-Squeeze you load on the chart will need to be customized to the time frame that you want to look at.


The Multi Time Frame Label indicators will only display if the active time frame is of equal or lower value than the instance of the indicator.

For example, below is a chart with 18 instances of the Multi-10x and 18 instances of the Multi-Squeeze loaded.

This chart is set to a one-minute time frame and is showing all the instances of both indicators.

If we change the timeframe of the chart to the 30 minute time frame, all labels under 30 minutes will not display. 

This is due to how TOS works. The indicators can only be read in the current time frame and greater. 

Here is the same chart, but only labels 30 minutes and higher display because the chart is set to the 30 minutes time frame. 


In TOS, be sure to set your look-back period (or amount of historical data) loaded onto the chart to be enough for the indicator to read properly.

Try to set the amount of data on a 1m time frame to 30 days (the max allowed by TOS). On a 5m time frame set to 60 or 90 days and more on higher time frames.

The Multi-Squeeze use 30 to be safe. Unless your platform becomes sluggish, more data is always better.

For any indicator, you should load enough data for the indicator to calculate the highest time frame you want to display. 


Here we have a 5-minute chart. Notice how there are two rows of the indicators? This is because when the window is re-sized, the indicator labels will fill the horizontal space they have to work with.

The Black spaces are a special label available upon request from Simpler Trading. It is called the Spacer Label.

There is no way to place the Multi-Squeeze or other Multi Time Frame Label study on separate lines other than re-sizing the chart window or to place one or more Spacer Labels on the chart.

Same window as above, but re-sized.

18 Multi-Squeeze labels followed by 2 spacer labels, followed by 18 Multi-Cross labels. Now there are 4 rows of labels because the window was resized smaller.   

Download the free spacer label HERE


How to put a custom label on your TOS Chart

About - Multi 10X

About - Multi-Cross Indicator

Settings - Multi Cross indicator on Tradestation

Settings - Multi Cross indicator on TOS

How to configure the Multi-Squeeze in TradeStation

FAQ- How do I get all of my Multi Time Frame Label studies to display?

Multi Histogram - Settings

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