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Signature Box

How To Add A Signature In Your Document

Jennifer Alexandersson avatar
Written by Jennifer Alexandersson
Updated over 3 years ago

Signature boxes are tools used to add signatures directly to a document. These can either be your own signature or the signature of a recipient. Signature boxes can be set for regular signature or initials. Also, you can set them to be required or optional.

In this article we will walk you through on how to easily add signature boxes to your documents.

1. Click in the document to open the tool bar.

2. Now click on the "Signing Box" option.

3. Next step is to choose the signing role. Click in the signing box and your options will appear.

If you have multiple recipients on your document, all will appear for you as options, allowing multiple recipients to sign one single document.

You can also choose regular signature or initials.

5. You can also choose if the signature should be mandatory or optional. Just check the "Required" box and you are set.

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