When you create contract cards, you get access to statistics. The statistics are for you to get an overview of the types of contract cards that are available, what they cost or generate in revenue.
The statistics are divided into three sections: Overview, Costs & Revenues
The information displayed is also divided into categories and contract types (also called document types).
The overview shows you:
How many active and inactive contract cards there are.
How many and which contract cards expire within 60 days.
The statistics for costs only show data that comes from active contract cards. An active agreement card is an agreement that is valid right now (i.e. not terminated agreements or agreements that will be activated in the future). To track expenses, you need to activate the app: Expenses.
Monthly cost per contract type
How the monthly cost changes over time
Average cost per contract type
Monthly cost per category
Annual cost per category
The revenue statistics work similarly to expenses, but show data that comes from revenue. To track earnings, you need to activate the app: Earnings.
Monthly income per contract type
How monthly income changes over time
Average revenue per contract type
Monthly income per category
Annual revenue per category
You can make better decisions with good & easily accessible statistics
You can cut costs by understanding which supplier agreements and supplier categories cost you the most
You have available documentation to present internally
You gain insight into future costs and revenues, unlike many accounting programs that show past costs and revenues