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Teamtailor integrations

Learn how to send SimpleSign contracts within Teamtailor

Christian Nicolaisen avatar
Written by Christian Nicolaisen
Updated over 11 months ago

Once you have activated SimpleSign's integration with Teamtailor you are ready to start sending out employment contracts to your job applicants through Teamtailor. In this article you will learn how this is done! (or watch this short video here that takes you through the basic steps πŸ‘‡ )

Getting started

First things first, to enable this integration you must have an agreement with SimpleSign so start by reaching out to your contact person at SimpleSign.

Or you can reach SimpleSign via following:
​Chat: Visit and chat with their team

Set up workflow in Teamtailor

To use SimpleSign, the first step is to add an SimpleSign trigger to your recruitment process in Teamtailor. This means the contract is automatically sent to the candidate the first time the candidate is moved in to this stage.

The agreement you send is based on a SimpleSign template, so ensure to build your employment contract template within SimpleSign. This is super easy, and any candidate data you add in Teamtailor will automatically be populated directly into your template. Just reach out to the SimpleSign team and they will help you out.

Configure Triggers on Job positions on Teamtailor

Head over to one of your jobs on Teamtailor. From the applications view, select the stage you want to trigger the agreement. In this example we created a stage called: Send contract.
To activate the trigger you click on: Three dots icon - Triggers - Send SimpleSign Contract

When candidates are moved in to this stage SimpleSign will automatically send the agreement. You can either use the assessments on the Inbox, so all candidates are automatically sent the assessments, or a special stage that you move candidates to.

From here, you can select how the trigger will behave.

Select Template

Select the SimpleSign template that you would like to use for this position.

Email content

You can customize the invitation email subject and email body (message).

Automatically send the contract

If you want the contract to be sent automatically then tick the option:
"Send contract automatically"

Manually send the contract

This gives you the option to first view the contract before you send it. This is good if you for e.g. which to make final adjustments before its sent. Since SimpleSign have plenty of smart template features, this option gives you the perfect tool for any type of contract arrangements.

You will find the option to view and send the contract within the candidate card. When pressing "Send Contract" you will open up SimpleSign, make adjustments and then press Send.

Send to recruiter

If you have a Teamtailor recruiter associated for this position, then you have the option to automatically add the recruiter as a signature party. To activate this tick "Send contract to recruiter"

If you want to automatically move candidates between stages when signed tick the check-box Move candidate when complete and follow the instructions.

Follow the status of the contract

You can follow the signature process within the candidate card. When its sent or signed you can click on the link and open the contract in full screen. Here you have access to SimpleSign features like: Chat within the document, view statistics and more.

We're not done yet

When you build a SimpleSign template you can sync any candidate data from Teamtailor into your template.

In this example we added some custom tags like: Startdate, Salary, Type of employment and Role. These fields can easily be imported into your SimpleSign template, together with any other data from Teamtailor

Below is an example of a Demo template in SimpleSign

When building your template in SimpleSign, you simply search and add these tags directly within the SimpleSign template editor.

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