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Loanapp - use Info Requests to request supporting docs from your applicants
Loanapp - use Info Requests to request supporting docs from your applicants

Use built-in functionality to send Info Requests for applicants to upload their supporting docs directly to your checklist.

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

Loanapp has some great built-in functionality that allows you to easily send Info Requests to your applicants to quickly and conveniently upload their supporting docs directly to your checklist requirements.

The Info Requests are created automatically by Loanapp to match the supporting docs checklist that is generated for your application, and you can select/edit those that you want to send to your customers.

This article gives you an understanding of how this functionality works.

Your supporting docs checklist automatically creates Info Requests

When you have finalised your application, and the supporting docs checklist is generated to match what the lender now needs to be provided, you will go to the supporting docs checklist to upload and finalise the documents submission.

Here, the application for Linkers has a bunch of supporting documents listed as required:

If you have your documents, you can upload and attach to finalise and send to the lender.

If you dont have any of the documents, you can use the Info Request functionality to send a message to your applicant/s to upload the required document/s. If applicants use the Info Request to return a document to you, it will automatically attach to the requirement on the checklist that needs that document.

Use Info Request to request documents

There are two ways you can use Info Requests to request documents while you are working on the checklist.

  1. You can use the automatically created Info Requests the system has already made, that match the checklist requirements

  2. You can create a new Info Request yourself, for something that's not on the checklist

Using the automated Info Requests that match the checklist

To use the automated Info Requests, go to Solutions/Application Processing/Info Requests:

This will take you to the Info Requests Portal, which manages all your Info Requests for your applications. Search for the app you want to work on:

And you will be presented with a list of ready-made info requests that match the supporting docs checklist. Each Info Request will be a specific request to an applicant for a specific document that is required. You will note that the Status on each of these Requests is 'New' - which is the status that means that the Info Request has been created, but not yet sent:

You can:

  • immediately click 'Send All'. This will trigger an email notification to go to your applicant asking them to login to review the Info Requests and upload documents. If you click 'Send All' immediately, the wording/messaging to your applicants will be as the system has set it.

  • click into any of the waiting requests, review and edit the wording/messaging. This is a good idea if you want to personalise the messages.

Reviewing and Editing the automated messages.

Click on any of the messages to open and review the message.

If you make any updates, you can click 'Preview Request' to check what will be delivered to the applicant:

Click Send Request to send the request to the nominated person.

When you have sent, the status for that request will change to OPEN:

The Applicant Experience

When you click Send, the applicant will receive an email notifying them that they have an Info Request. Note that the default Sender will be that the Info Request is from the Lender you are submitting to.

The Applicant will click 'Here', and be taken to a secure portal to see the request, upload documents and/or answer your question. If the applicant hasn't logged in yet, they will have to set a password. Note again, the branding will be for the Lender you are submitting to, unless you set Info Request to be your branding:

Once the Applicant is logged in, they will then see the Info Request/s you have sent them. If you have only sent one:

The Applicant can click on the request, review your message:

The can then upload the requested doc, add some comment if they want to; and press submit:

(Remember, applicants can also do review and satisfy requests on their mobile phone):

How do I know an Info Request has been completed by my Applicant?

When the Applicants submit back to you, you will:

  • receive an email notification that you have an Info Request reply waiting for you

  • be able to see that you have a reply from the Application Portal:

Click on the bell to see the detail:

Click on this notification to be taken back to the Info Requests section, which will now have a "Replied" item:

Click on the replied item to review the reply:

Click on the PDF icon to review the supporting document. You can then finalise the Info Request, by selecting an action, and then clicking Process Action. If you are happy with the docs, for instance, you can 'send them to supporting docs' - which will attach them directly to the requirement on the checklist.

When you have finalised an Info Request, it will now have a 'Complete' status:

And if you have sent the document to supporting docs, it will now be attached to the relevant item in the checklist, which you can get to either through the Loanapp interface or by clicking Solutions/Application Processing/Supporting Docs:

Create a new Info Request

You can create a new Info Request to send to your applicants, whenever you need to. The main place to create info requests is the Info Request Portal. But you can also create and send Info Requests from other places, such as when you are working on the Supporting Docs checklist.

To create a new Info Request, click New Request button:

This will open up the "create info request" screen for you to enter details of your request, select who to send to, and send off to the recipient:

When you create a request that is of the type 'request information', this means the recipient can respond just with information. Note that the recipient also has the option to attach a document, but it is not required in order to click reply.

Or you may want to request, and make sure, you get a supporting document. If this is the case, select "request document upload". Note that this will mean the recipient must upload a document in order to be able to have a successful reply to you.

If you nominate that you require a document, you can also 'categorise' the document.

This will automatically add the returned doc to the correct element of your supporting docs, when it is sent back by the applicant.

You can also select the 'instructions' that you want to appear on the Info Request that your recipient receives. You can set any number of instruction templates to chose from:

When you select the appropriate instruction, you can then view these instructions and even edit before sending the Info Request.

Here, I have selected a set of instructions:

Here I have clicked on the visibility icon to review the instructions:

If I want to, I can edit the template (will change just for this actual request) by clicking the pencil:

I can make any changes; and when I am satisfied, I can save:

When I'm ready to send, I can Preview the Request to make sure it is correct:

And when ready, hit Send:

The Applicant experience will then be the same as above.

Who can I send Info Requests to?

You can send Info Requests to anyone who you make a participant of the application.


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