Loanapp has some great (optional) functionality that sends a request to your applicant/s to upload documents in a secure portal to satisfy your checklist.
You can use this functionality at any time after you have generated your Supporting Documents Checklist.
This functionality will only send a request for any Checklist item that is not yet satisfied.
ie - if you click this button immediately, a request will go to your applicants listing ALL the checklist items.
However, if you click this button after uploading and satisfying a bunch of the checklist items, it will only request those items that are still outstanding.
To trigger this functionality, go back to Loanapp Summary and Submit section and click the button Generate Info Request for Review:
This will launch the Information Request page in Simpology Manager on a new tab, and generate the list of Info Requests that have now been triggered to review before sending out to your Applicant/s. It will only generate New requests for all your outstanding documents:
You will then be able to review the list of the requests that have been prepared and:
if OK, send them out to your applicant/s
if not OK, you can:
delete particular requests so that they will not be sent
update the details so that more information is sent to your applicant
How to remove (delete) or not send a request
If you don't want a request to be sent to your applicant, you can do one of two things:
You can remove the request by opening the request and simply deleting it. eg in this example, I want to remove the request that would be sent to Gerald for a copy of his Medicare Card.
2. When I choose to send my requests (see below), I send each one individually and I don't send this one (leave it there, but still as New. You might want to do this so you can use it later if you decide to).
How to update/edit a request
This functionality conveniently creates your outstanding info requests based on the generated checklist for your application, based on the wording your lenders have set for each of the requests.
It may be that you don't like the wording, or would like to change/add more detail so that it makes more sense to your applicants.
eg in the this example, I want to update the wording/instructions for the request for a copy of Gerald's Drivers Licence.
I click on the request to open it
Once its open, I am able to add more/change detail into the instructions for the applicant:
3. when you have made your changes, you can click "preview request" to see what the applicant will receive:
4. Remember to SAVE your changes. You can either then SEND this request; or click BACK to send all at once:
How to send request/s to your applicant/s
You are able to send your requests to your applicants either by clicking Send All on the main screen. This will send all the "NEW" requests at one time:
You can individually go into each request and send each one from inside the request as show above.
In this example, I have clicked "SEND ALL". This will then send all your requests, and change the status of each of the requests to "OPEN":
Your applicant experience - receiving and returning your Info Requests
When you click SEND, the Information Requests will be sent immediately to your applicant/s. The email they receive will have a subject header with
the name of the lender you are submitting the deal to and
the Application Number and Title you have given the application (if you haven't set a title, it will list the name of your applicant)
When the applicant opens the email, the content, look & feel will have been defined by the Lender (it will most likely be different across lenders). What it will always have is:
a link to the secure portal
and the applicant's email, which will be the unique login for this applicant into the secure portal
When the applicant clicks on the link ('here'), they will be taken to the secure portal and need to set a password:
Once the password has been set, the applicant will then be taken to the login screen, and they will be able to login with their username (their email) and their password:
When the applicant logs in, they will be presented with the Info Requests that you have sent. Here I have logged in as the applicant Gerald, and he has three requests waiting for him to review and answer:
If Gerald clicks on any of these requests, he can see the detail, upload the required documents and then click submit:
With an uploaded document and ready to submit:
The applicant will then get confirmation their Info Request has been sent, and then have only outstanding requests remaining. The applicant can click open each of the Info Requests and complete in the same fashion.
If they have no further requests, they will be told to close the browser as nothing else is needed.
An applicant may not be able to immediately provide the documents. They can close down and log back in via the same link and credentials at any time in order to complete the requests.
How you receive (and finalise) document received via Info Request
When your applicant sends back an Info Request you will get an email notification eg
You will be able to click 'here' to log directly into the Info Request section of the application.
(NOTE: if you don't login in directly, you can also re-launch Loanapp, and on the Submission page you can click View Request Status to re-open the Info Request section of your application):
In the Info Request section, you will see that there is now a Reply on one of Gerald's Info Requests (and still the other ones are to be completed):
As the application owner, you are now able to review and finalise the document that has been returned. To do this, click on the Info Request to open it:
If you click on the thumbnail image of the document, you will get a larger version of it to review:
If you are happy with the document and want to send it to Supporting Docs Checklist, click Send to Supporting Documents and the Process Action:
The Info Request itself will close, and the document will be sent to Supporting Documents:
If you then go back to the Supporting Documents Checklist, the document waiting in the Documents Bucket (on the right side).
NOTE: it will be at the bottom, you may need to scroll down to find it
You are then able to drag the document across to satisfy the relevant requirement on the list on the left panel.π
What does "Request Supporting Docs" do in the Submit workflow?
Request Supporting Docs does exactly the same thing - it also sends out a request to your applicant/s to upload required supporting docs, BUT it does not allow you to review the requests before they are sent.
If you Click "Generate Document Checklist", the requests will be created and you can review before actually sending out
If you Click "Request Supporting Docs", the requests will be created and will be instantly sent out (you will not get the chance to review them)
As a final note - this functionality is optional
Using the Info Request functionality to request and receive supporting documents from your applicants is great, optional functionality. Use it, or not, as suits you and your application.
If you have already gathered all the required documents and can satisfy the checklist then simply:
Click Generate Documents Checklist
upload and attach all your docs (or at least all the mandatory ones)
Click Proceed (submit application)