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Mandatory Supporting Documents

How to understand that a supporting document is mandatory for Submission

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over a week ago

Lenders are able to configure whether particular supporting document requirements are mandatory (or not). Where a supporting document is mandatory, generally you will not be able to submit your application; or lenders will not start processing a submitted application, until all mandatory documents are provided.

How to identify Mandatory supporting documents items

Mandatory supporting documents will have a 'Mandatory' bubble visible against the listed requirement:

An individual document may be mandatory. In the following example, the Rates Notice for an existing property is mandatory, whereas the other documents required for an existing property are not mandatory:

A whole document category may be mandatory. In the following example, all documents requested for the PAYG employment of the applicant are mandatory:

Remember that mostly this is used where the Lender will allow some (all mandatory) documents to be submitted to get the assessment ball rolling - and then require all the rest when you have them.

If this is the case, the Lender will generally allow multiple supporting documents re-submissions. To find out more about supporting documents re-submissions, click here.

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