Simpology has updated its Loanapp e-lodgement interface so that it is easier to use, faster and more configurable for our Lenders.
When a Lender upgrades to the new Loanapp, it means that as a Broker, the Loanapp interface you are used to will be replaced by the new Loanapp. This article takes you through what to expect during the transition.
Loanapp V1 will be retired
When a Lender upgrades to Loanapp V2, it will mean that Loanapp V1 will be retired. When the Lender switches on Loanapp V2:
Loanapp V1 will be available for submissions for ~90 days from that date
You will only be able to submit in progress applications
All NEW applications will be created from that date on, in Loanapp V2
This will mean you will have two Loanapp interfaces for a period
This will mean that you may be working on both Loanapp V1 and Loanapp V2 for a period of ~90 days.
For Aggregator Integrations: How will I know which Loanapp to use?
Simpology has worked with your Aggregators to update the integration between your Aggregator CRM and Loanapp, so you don't need to change the way you open Loanapp or figure out which one to use. The integration APIs will identify:
applications that you started before the Lender switched on V2, and open up your application in V1
for new applications, open up your application in V2
Note that any old applications that you might want to re-open, will continue to open in V1.
For Direct Users: How will I know which Loanapp to use?
Direct users currently have individual logins to each of your Lender's V1 Loanapps. You will continue to login to this same url to finalise existing apps in V1.
This V1 url is and it looks like this:
If you are to be a direct user for Loanapp V2, your Lender will send you a new invite to set up credentials for the new Loanapp url, which is and looks like this:
Unlike Loanapp V1 which has separate urls per lender each with a different login, in Loanapp V2 you will only have 1 login for all Lenders. You will note when you login that if you have been invited by >1 lender, you will get a dropdown to select the Channel (Lender) that you want to go into:
Once you have setup your credentials to the new Simpology world, if another lender invites you sometime later, then that lender will simply add to your list of lenders you have access to.
Note that same Lenders have 2FA configured on their channel, so you may have to use an authenticator app to finalise your login. Click here for more details on 2FA
From the day you receive the invite to Loanapp V2, you will be able to create and submit new applications via V2.
How do I learn more about Loanapp V2?
There is a full knowledgebase of articles on Loanapp and its functionality - this article is the best for a full run-through of the functionality.
Specific Lender Articles
Loanapp V2 is configurable to Lender logic and even third party services, and so each Loanapp you use may be slightly different.
The knowledgebase has collections of articles for specific lenders for a closer look at their configuration.
If I'm confused, or worried about submissions, how do I get help?
Like Loanapp V1, V2 has Live Chat built into it - so you can ask the team a question at any time. And its the same team you've got to know through Loanapp V1.
Otherwise, we advise you to get in touch with your Lender's BDM.