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Document Set Dropdown

This Dropdown allows you to see and click through to a specific Document Category in your Checklist

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over a week ago

The Document Set is the total set of Categories/Documents that have been generated against your application data.

The Document Set Dropdown allows you to see and click through to a specific Document Category in your Checklist.

Click on the Document Set Dropdown to view/scroll through/select

When you first open the Supporting Documents Checklist, only the first Document Category on the checklist will be visible.

The Document Set Dropdown allows you to see, scroll through and then select specific categories to be visible. If you click on the dropdown, you can see all the Categories in your checklist:

And as you scroll through, you can select a specific category to review. Here I have selected from the list "New Property Purchase", and I am now seeing what's required for this Category:

Or here, I have selected Applicant Identification:

Use the dropdown to navigate to specific checklist items as described. Alternatively, you can use the "Show All" button to see the full checklist.

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