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ubank ID Verification Digital Widget

How to complete the ubank ID Verification widget in your Loanapp submission

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 5 months ago

For a successful ubank submission, you need to have a successful, complete ID Verification (EKYC) - which means that your applicant/s declared ID Documentation details have been verified via government databases. This article takes you through the ID Verification process.

The ID Verification Widget is found at the bottom of the Applicants Details page:

The ID Verification Widget will send your applicant/s ID details to a service that checks this data against a number of government databases; and then returns confirmation that the ID details are not fraudulent.

You can only send the request to the service when you have completed all the relevant detail in the Loanapp application. You need to have completed:

  • your applicant/s name

  • their date of birth

  • their current address

  • residency status (your applicant must be a Citizen or Permanent Resident)

  • at least 1 of the "Proof of Identity" document details that ubank will accept

  • AND you must have selected YES for the "Privacy Act Consent signed" toggle in Other Details:

Until you have completed all the relevant data, the ID Verification widget will be in a status of "Pending":

Adding a Proof of Identity Document detail to Loanapp

ubank require the details of at least one Proof of Identity Document to be added to Loanapp. These details will then be sent in the ID Verification request.

ubank have 4 acceptable document types - Australian Passport, Australian Drivers Licence, International Passport and Medicare Card.

You can add the details of more than 1 document, but you must add at least 1 document. Note that a Medicare Card must be green.

🚨An Australian Citizen needs to have 1 of Passport, DL or Medicare card

🚨A non-citizen applicant who is a Permanent Resident MUST have at least the Medicare card details added.

For the ID Document that you need to enter the details of, click the three dots on the document record:

This will open up the record and you can complete the details that are needed for that document, for the service request.

Note that some of the fields have tooltips to guide you with what is needed. eg if your document doesn't have DD/MM/YYYY where needed, always use the first day of the month 01, eg:

When you have added at least 1 document, this section will be "Completed" and you will be ready to request the service:

How to call the service and get an outcome

When you are 'ready', you are able to then trigger the call to the service. Loanapp will pass to the service the data you have entered about your applicant/s, run it against the government database/s; and return an outcome.

To do so, expand the ID Verification widget by clicking on the ⌄ on the right:

Once expanded, you will see the 'controls' you have inside the widget. For each of your applicant/s, you should have a status of 'Ready to request'. Click the "Request" control:

You will see Loanapp 'thinking'...and the request/outcome should take only a ~few seconds. If you have a successful match of your applicant/s data with the government databases, the status will change to "Provided" and the widget will be "Completed":

You will note you can then check on the details of the call/outcome by clicking details. The response data is included...but all you really need to know is that the Person was identified successfully - job done! 🤩

What if you do not get a successful match?

It is possible, of course, to not get a successful match. When you do not, you will get a status of "Document Verification Failed", with no successful match for your applicant/s:

There are two most common reasons for this:

  • your data is not correct. Please check the data that you have entered, in particular the full name of your applicant/s; and the ID document details you have entered. If you find something wrong - correct it, and then 'resubmit' your request:

  • the service itself is down. In this case, you should get a status of "error":

🚨 If you have checked your data and it appears correct, but you are still getting an unsuccessful outcome; OR the service seems down – please contact your ubank BDM for further advice or to discuss approving a “Skip” of the service requirement.

ID Verification Widget Controls and Statuses

Following is a list of ID Verification Widget controls and statuses.

Control: Request

Click this control to call the service. It is only enabled when you have completed all the required data and said YES to the Privacy Consent toggle:

Control: Details

Gives you further details about the request status and outcome. Will include the 'payload' of the request.

Control: Resubmit

This will re-send your data to the service for another check. You would use this control if you have had a failed attempt and found some data that needed fixing. You will find the widget asks you to post a message as well..just leave this blank and press Send:

You will see the widget 'thinking' and then hopefully you will get a successful outcome. If not, please contact your ubank BDM:

Control: Skip

As a broker, you will not have access to this control. It allows a BDM to skip the service on your behalf:

Status: Completed

This means that the service has been requested, and the service has sent something back - ie the service has been completed.

🚨Please note...a Completed status may not mean a successful simply means the service call has been completed. It's best to check the status/details inside the widget.

Status: Provided, with a successful outcome

The service has been requested, and has sent back a response, which was a positive match:

You are able to click details to see further information about the request:

Status: Provided, but failed

The service has been requested, and has sent back a response, but the response was a Fail. In this case, check your data and try again:

Status: Error

Generally, this will mean that the service itself is down. If you get this outcome, please report to live chat or get in touch with your BDM

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