Granite Loanapp has some great functionality for you to order a valuation on your security property while you are putting your application together.
NOTE that Granite will have rules (configured with CoreLogic) that determine which type of valuation is required for your property. This logic will be used in the Loanapp Ordering flow, selecting the valid type for your property.
Where in Loanapp can I order a valuation?
The Valuation 'widget' is on the Loan section, immediately below where you enter the details for your Security Property:
How to Order a Valuation
You can open the Valuation widget by clicking the β icon:
When you expand the widget, the address (and other details) of your Security property will already be registered; and you will be able to Request a valuation:
Note if you have more the one security property, then you will have multiple properties registered in the widget that you can order a val for.
When you click "Request", a new popup will appear which will be to select the "type of valuation" for your request. Loanapp will call Corelogic and pass your security property data across to the Granite rules:
And when ready, populate this dropdown with the correct valuation type. Note that you are not able to change this, as it has been determined by Granite rules.
The two types that you will have returned are Intellival AVM:
And Residential Short Form Val:
Once this Type has been populated, click Request - this will order the valuation, and the widget status will change to "Waiting". Note that you are able to revoke (Cancel) as well:
The Intellival AVM will be completely almost instantly (2-3 minutes).
The Short Form Valuation generally takes a few days, and will depend on the valuer being able to complete the valuation.
What happens when the Valuation is completed?
When the Valuation is completed by Corelogic, the widget status will change to "Completed":
You can click the Details button to download the valuation report.