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Create an Info Request when working in Supporting Documents Checklist
Create an Info Request when working in Supporting Documents Checklist

How to create and send an Info Request while working on satisfying your Supporting Documents Checklist

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 4 months ago

When you are working on your supporting docs checklist, if you are missing a document you can use "Information Request" to request a document from your applicant.

Your applicant will receive an email invite to login and upload the required document, which will come back to you to review and add to your Supporting Documents Checklist.

Create an Info Request

In this example, I need to send the Applicant/s a request to upload documents showing their superannuation balance.

To do this, I click the "Information Request" button:

This will trigger a new window to open, which allows you to 'build' the info request message for your applicant/s.

You have two methods to create an info request -

  1. create from scratch, or

  2. a pre-defined request

1. Create an Info Request from scratch

Use this method if you want to be in complete control of the language/content of your request.

You are able to build all the detail of Information Request; and importantly, choose who you are sending it to.

The "Send Request To" dropdown will list all your application participants, and their email addresses. You can choose to send the Info Request to a specific applicant/participant, or even All Applicants.

When you click send, the Info Request will be sent; and the screen will disappear and you will be taken back to your checklist to continue working. You can send out more Info Requests whenever you want to.

2. Create an Info Request from pre-defined checklist logic

Alternatively, you can use the pre-defined (built by the lender) checklist logic to request documents. This is:

  • great, in that it will instantly request the exact documents that the lender will accept for a specific requirement

  • not so great, in that your request then goes in the lender's language - you have no ability to frame the message to your applicant/s

    • It will also send the whole 'category' for the documents - you can't select just 1 document from a category to request

In this example, lets say I want to request the documents for an Existing Property Asset. I can simply select that Category and this will instantly send off the request:

Your applicant's experience

The experience for your applicant is the same no matter how you build your Info Request.

Your applicant will receive an email notifying them of your request. Within the email will be the instruction to 'click here' to sign in and review the request:

The applicant will be taken to a screen, to finalise their credentials (set a password):

And then taken to the login screen:

When they login, they will see your request. In the following screenshot, you will see both my requests:

  • the one I made from scratch is the first one (Superannuation statement)

  • and the pre-defined request is actually two different requests (as the lender had configured 2 different documents for the Existing Property category)

Note that your applicant can sign in/review the Information Request on any device, including a mobile, taking photos of documents to send back to you.

The applicant can click on a request, review the message, and upload the required documents. On the Info Request I made from scratch, the content/language will be as I wrote it:

Your applicant can click Browse to upload a file; add any comments, and press Submit to send back to you:

The applicant can continue to work on the other requests.

Note that the 'Pre-Defined requests' will be more formal, without a message from you:

When the applicant fulfils a request and clicks submit, you will get an email notification you have a info request reply waiting for you. Clicking on the email/notification will take you to the Info Requests section of Simpology Manager:

If you click on the request with a reply, and you can review the reply:

If you click on the document thumbnail you can review the document:

If you are satisfied that this document is what you need, you can then choose the "action" to "Accept Response, send doc to supporting docs, and close request":

This will send the document to the Supporting documents interface, where it will land in your Documents Bucket, ready for you to attach to your checklist:

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