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Granite: receiving an Info Request from an assessor (request for more Info)
Granite: receiving an Info Request from an assessor (request for more Info)

What to do if you receive an Info Request from a Granite Assessor

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over a week ago

If Granite needs to get more information from you while they are assessing your deal, they will send you an Info Request

You will get an email invite, and you will be able to upload/answer any questions in an easy, convenient way, straight back to them.

How do I receive an Info Request from an Assessor?

If an assessor sends you an Info Request, you will get an email invite asking you to login and review what has been requested:

Your login credentials will be your email, and whatever password you have set for Simpology Manager. Note that as a broker, you will have only one login for Simpology Manager, across all lenders.

When you login with your Simpology Manager credentials, you will see the request waiting for you:

📱 💻 🖥️ Note that you can login in to Info Request on any device

If you click on the Info Request, you will see what has been requested:

and be able to upload document/s and add comments:

Once you click Submit, the documents will be sent straight back to the assessor in their assessment workflow.

What if I want my admin staff to receive Info Requests?

When you create a new Loanapp application, as the logged in user, your own details will be automatically populated onto the Setup page of the application, in the "Participants" section:

ie - you will automatically be added as someone who is 'connected' to the application. You might want other people to be connected (eg your admin staff).

If this is the case, you need to ensure your admin staff have credentials in your entity, inside Simpology Manager. Please contact Granite to add any admin staff for this purpose.

Once your admin staff have been added; you can then add your staff to an application in the "Manage Participants" section:

This will mean that Granite assessors can send "info requests" to both you and your admin staff for this application.

Can you re-allocate an Info Request to someone else to complete?

🤩Yes, if you receive an info request, you can 'pass it on' to anyone else who is a "Participant" in the application - usually the applicants; and/or your support staff.

In this following example, Kate (the Broker) has received an info request, and logged in for a copy of the Drivers Licence:

When Kate opens the Info Request, she can either complete (and submit) the request; or 'nominate' the request to someone else:

When she clicks Nominate, she will be able to choose anyone else who is a "Participant" in the application:

In this instance, she could select Mary Helper (her admin staff) or Elizabeth (the applicant).

Once Nominated, the Info Request will leave the login of Kate Broker - and pass on to the login of Elizabeth, the applicant as a new invite:

And when the nominated person logs in, they will be able to see/complete the request:

When the nominated person opens the request, they will see that it has been forwarded to them for completion:

And when completed, the response goes straight back to the credit assessor via secure portal.

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