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How do I access the simulation / quiz? I can't access the test.
How do I access the simulation / quiz? I can't access the test.

How do I move to other parts of this module?

Benny Jekel avatar
Written by Benny Jekel
Updated over 5 months ago

Note: Most SIMTICS modules have four main components (Explore, Anatomy, Simulation, Quiz) as described in the next paragraph. However a few of the SIMTICS modules are a bit different because of the topics they cover and may only contain simulations, or may not have any simulations at all. For more information about these few modules, please scroll to the bottom of this article, to the heading "Exceptions to the above".

For most SIMTICS modules:

After you've launched a module, use the navigation buttons at the top of the screen to move between the components in the module. In the screenshot below, starting at the top, the 4 icons are for Explore (video and text), Anatomy, Simulation, Quiz.


Exceptions to the above:

As mentioned, a few of our modules are a bit different from the others, depending on the topic they cover. Some may not have simulations at all, but they do still have text, video, anatomy and quiz. A few others only have simulations.

a) The following three modules contain simulations only - no quiz, no text or video, and no anatomy:

  • Hand Hygiene (soap & water, hand sanitizer)

  • Isolation PPE Protocol

  • Practice Dental Patient Charting - this is a supplementary module to accompany the module called Assist with Dental Patient Exam.

When you launch one of these three modules, it will take you straight to the simulation page. There is no side navigation bar in these three because they don't need one.

b) Several of the Sonography and Radiography modules are theory-based and do not cover a procedure, so they not have simulations. Therefore you will not see the simulation icon on the navigation bar in these modules:

  • In Sonography: Ultrasound Physics and Cardiovascular Pathology do not have simulations. Also a few of the Echo modules.

  • In Radiography: only the radiographic positioning modules have simulations. The theory modules do not.

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