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Let's shape the future together

Ideas, feedback & other stories reach out to Product Management

Written by Manuela Rott
Updated over a week ago

Great to see you here 😊

Why are YOU important to us?💎

At Visibility Hub it is in our DNA to stay close to our user base, have personal conversations with our users, understand struggles and transform ideas together in our product.

We are convinced that together we can shape the future of logistics. In order to make this happen, we believe YOU can help us by providing insights and advice.

How can I shape the future? 👩‍🔧👨‍🔧

The best way to engage with us is via (1) booking personal chats and/or (2) joining our user panels. Please find more details below:

  1. Book a personal chat with us any time. We always have an open ear for any thoughts, ideas or also questions or challenges are very welcome.
    Just reach out to: 📨

  2. Join our user test panels (💸💰paid)

    • We are constantly testing new ideas and your advice in this is absolutely crucial.

    • Sign up to be part of our test panels to be the first to test new ideas.

    • You can decide based on the topic and on your availability which sessions you want to join.

Our current research is among others in the following areas:

  • Christina: Is our expert on real time visibility for carrier operations. Her main focus of research is currently extending functionalities for dispatchers in the Visibility Hub product (e.g. transport analytics, dwell times, trucks on the map) → reach out:

  • Märten: Is the talk-to-person about getting you in touch with new business opportunities that suit your planning → reach out:

  • Camilla: is your contact when it comes to topics related to data sharing and network creation → reach out:

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