This is our most common price plan. If you choose to pay the card processing fee, you can expect to pay the following rates per transaction. We urge you to compare our rates to competitors that offer flat rate pricing. You will quickly find that Sky Systemz’s prices are by far the lowest in the industry.
For In-Person Payments 2.45% plus 10 cents
Payments using the Sky Systemz mobile or Web application point of sale by swipe (magstripe cards) or dip (chip cards)
Change Card Not Present Payments 3.3% plus 15 cents
Take payments by invoice, over-the-phone, manually entering card numbers on the Sky app, in the Sky online store, or in subscriptions and card-on-file payments.
Check Processing (ACH) $2.00
Accept and process checks for a flat fee of $2.00 per accepted check.