How does Publishing work?
SkyWatch's Content Store has integrated with Esri's Imagery Services capability - allowing you to take data delivered within Content Store & publish it back into your ArcGIS Online environment. Once you publish either a Tile Cache, or Tiled Layer, the data will appear in your Content in 30-60mins.
Does Publishing incur additional charges?
No! Publishing does not add additional charges. You only pay for the cost of the data as laid out during the ordering workflow in Content Store. You will however pay for the storage & hosting of those layers within ArcGIS online, the same as all other content within ArcGIS online.
What is the difference between a Tile Cache & a Tiled Layer?
Think of map tile cache as a collection of images tiled together to create a pretty picture, often a basemap. This picture is optimized for performance and designed to scale. What makes this tile service fast is that pre-processing and compression are performed before it’s served. Because each tile is cached and optimized for display, the tiles are drawn immediately as you pan and zoom around the map. Tile Cache's do not have the underlying pixel values accessible when they are published and are only available with Red, Green and Blue bands.
Like map tile cache, tiled imagery layers bring a collection of images together to create a single service or carpet of imagery. However, unlike a map tile cache, the images do not have to be compressed or projected, so more information from the original imagery stays with the streaming service. Tiled Layer's have all the underlying pixel values accessible which can be used for things like raster analysis, generating indexes etc.. They are provided with all bands that the original product was captured in, so 4,6, or 8 bands.
For more information, click here.
My data was published dark. How can I update the published content?
After publishing your imagery as a Tiled Imagery Service it may appear dark on initial load into an ArcGIS Online Map.
Zoomed shot of the dark published image.
To correct this and improve imagery visibility, or reorder imagery bands click on Styles on the right side of the map:
Within the RGB Style options you can reorder the bands as needed. On initial publish they should be reordered to include Red, Green, and Blue in bands 1, 2, and 3.
You can also adjust the Stretch type for the imagery. On initial load it should be set to Min/Max. To improve visibility of your published imagery you can select Percent clip, and then adjust the minimum and maximum as needed to improve your view.
Alternatively, you can select Standard deviation and then adjust the value as needed to improve the display of the imagery.
Depending on the capture Percent clip or Standard deviation based adjustment make work better for brightening your image.
Additionally with each Stretch option you can also adjust the Gamma slider to adjust imagery display.
With your adjustments made you can then save the settings to the imagery service here. This should save the Style options for the next time you open the imagery service inside a map.
What happens if I experience a publishing error or failure?
Issues may be encountered for some publishing attempts. If you encounter an error there are a few things that can be done on the users side, as well as details you can collect before getting into contact with our support team. If your publishing job is successful but the imagery is dark, refer to our above section about DARK IMAGERY for some pointers around adjusting the product symbology to improve display.
For any publishing error encountered, a good first step is to re-attempt the publish job. Occasionally the delivery between Content Store and your ArcGIS Online organization may run into an error, these can affect the final published result. Typically these errors are temporary and a republish will often address the issue and result in a good product being added to your ArcGIS Online organization. There are no costs associated with republishing an order, so please attempt one republish if your initial attempt failed or has a clear issue in the published item.
Here are a few examples of publishing errors where a republish should be attempted:
An empty publish can occur with Tiled Imagery Service publish jobs. An item will successfully be added to your ArcGIS Online organization, but you will be unable to view the imagery. The item should have the imagery location correct and bands will be listed but no imagery visible regardless of the Style options that are set. No error will be noted in the map view. This publish should be re-attempted once before you contact our support team.
A black publish can occur with TileCache publish jobs. An item will be added to your ArcGIS Online organization, however when viewed the TileCache will be fully black. The imagery location will be correct, but nothing will be visible regardless of the brightness and contrast settings applied in the layer Effects. No error will be noted in the map view. This publish should be re-attempted once before you contact our support team.
Alternatively, if your publishing job fails to deliver a result a republish is also a good first step. Published imagery won’t be immediately available, and typically will take 30 minutes or more to appear in your ArcGIS Online organization. If you attempted to publish your order and no product is available after a few hours please attempt to republish the order once.
For all publish errors if the republish step has not resulted in an improved product being delivered into your ArcGIS Online organization it is then recommended that you contact our Support Team. This includes the errors documented in this guide and any other issues or failures that you may encounter. However, before doing so please collect some details around the order and issue you encountered. To help our Support Team investigate the error please collect and provide these details:
Account being used for the publish, this will be the email address associated with your ArcGIS Online account that is used in Content Store.
Details on the error, screenshots and/or a description of the issue, and if the error is consistent when a republish is attempted.
The Order ID that encountered the publish error, this can be accessed by viewing the Order Details.
Click on the Actions button beside the order.
And then click on View Details, this will allow you to copy the Order ID.
Finally please note the general date and time that the publish was initiated.
Providing this information will help our Support Team investigate the error you encountered. Contact the team at